Adding port to a porter

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Nov 2, 2015
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Hi all,

I'm new to the forum and this is a first time post so go easy!!! ;)

I have just started the Festival Prideof London Porter kit and its 3 days in.

I did the same kit at the end of the summer and it turned out magnificently, i was really pleased with the results. That was only my third brew ever.

I thought I would do another one and try a squeak it in before Xmas but I thought I might try and "Christmas" it up a bit by either adding a bottle of port or mulled wine.

I was just wondering if anyone had done this before and at what stage? The dry hops go in on Wednesday evening and it will be bottled 5 days after that. (And then another 7 weeks to secondary ferment in the bottle)

I have read a bit and some people say the extra sugar in the port may stop secondary fermentation? I don't want to ruin a whole batch...

If anyone has any pointers I would be most grateful!

Not unheard of adding wine to beer recipes. One of the first brew I did contained a bottle of wine (recipe called for "sack"; a sort of sherry, so not far off what you are suggesting). This was back in 197-! Also contained the remains of a Sunday roast chicken! And some dried fruit and spice (mace), probably to hide the flavour! Thankfully we don't hear of "cock ale" recipes these days.

I wouldn't be tempted, especially as you seem relatively new to brewing. Might put you off brewing (or go digging out Cock Ale recipes!). Go for the numerous spiced porters recipes if wanting something Christmassy (vanilla porter seems popular).
I have read a bit and some people say the extra sugar in the port may stop secondary fermentation? I don't want to ruin a whole batch...


Welcome To the forum mate!

I'm not sure the extra sugar would hurt anything, but i think the extra alcohol would mess things up.
Yeast can only tolerate a certain amount of alcohol, it's one of the criteria we look at when selecting what yeast to use, the environment they create becomes increasingly hostile until they decide to flocculate (drop out of suspension to the bottom of the vessel).
I would imagine you would have to add the port at bottling time which would shock the wee beasties into flocculating, therefore stopping your secondary fermentation.
If you really wanted to add port I would be tempted to boil it and reduce (to remove to extra alcohol and concentrate the flavour) then add it to the bottling bucket.
Not unheard of adding wine to beer recipes. One of the first brew I did contained a bottle of wine (recipe called for "sack"; a sort of sherry, so not far off what you are suggesting). This was back in 197-! Also contained the remains of a Sunday roast chicken! And some dried fruit and spice (mace), probably to hide the flavour! Thankfully we don't hear of "cock ale" recipes these days.

Fantastic. Must find out more..
Fantastic. Must find out more..

The Cock Ale recipe I do remember, from Ben Turner's 1970's book The Compleat Home Wine Maker and Brewer. Used to own this a long time ago.

The idea of adding chicken stock to a beer seems just silly and I never did it. A trace of fat will destroy any head retention and that is a big no-no for most brewers.

Closest yet is adding 2L of RGJ to a random 2 can Wilko kit recently, as SWMBO has suggested that making wine as well as beer is bad for the marriage.

The RGJ addition may or may not make much difference, but I will try to remember to post about it when it is ready, Just carbonating for now.
To be honest, the passing of time has not been kind to the said book. Although it, and CJJ Berry's books on Wine Making were a good start point for those not prepared to go down the AG route back then.

I always regret parting with books in the end, though :oops:.
I believe bevvied was trying something similar
I think he was planning to add a bottle of port as he batch primed.
Hi all,

Thanks for all the replies, very helpful if a little confusing at times!!

I will be bottling all 23 litres of the Porter on Wednesday or Thursday next week.

If I'm going to do anything it will be to boil up a bottle of port to intensify the flavour and burn off the sugars and alcohol and add a dose to a few of the bottles.

I don't want to ruin a whole batch as I'm a tight arse and could give a few out for gifts so don't want it to turn out crap!!

I'll experiment and report back!!!

Thanks all, Ben
Obvious alternative is try adding it to the glass at the drinking stage you can then tell if it adds anything you want and adjust it to your taste. If you bottling you could try adding it to some at bottling and not others and see what works best.
Tbh the extra alcohol may not be as much of a problem as you might think. How much you thinking of adding? *** packet calculation:

1L x 0.2 (20%)= 200ml alcohol
200ml/23l= almost bugger all

I don't drink port but Wikipedia told me that's about average abv?

Could make your porter,

I'll get my coat.
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