Well you can get about 25 litres in and you can top up with a boiling kettle as things go on through the boil. I did that a few times and it worked fine. You lose some to trub of course. I reckon I used to get about 20 - 21 litres out without resorting to fancy tricks and if you put in the full 23 litre brew's worth of grain and hops, you can always add back some water at the end in the FV.
Honestly - if you're prepared to have a go and try other ideas you won't be much put out by the boiler size I don't think. I hope you enjoy your new shiny thing and that the problems some folk have had have been ironed out now.
Thanks Tony. Those options sound very workable and I can always just use 19 litre recipes.
Looking forward to trying out a bit of AG after 6 months of kit tinkering. :)