About to mini keg

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Active Member
Sep 16, 2012
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Right im about to put my mexican ceveza into my mini kegs

I plan to use the carbination drops and batch primin wit sugar

I work out that it would roughly be about 12 drops per keg (5l) but that was before i decide to do the batch priming too just help the drops, ive got 20l in my condition vessel

Im going to try and get 19 out as there isnt alot of sediment at the bottom.

So i was think just halving the 6g of sugar per 500ml to 3 and using 11 drops per keg

But just wanted some more experienced opinions

Why do you want to use both?
I've never used drops, what do they bring, other than sugar.

I would batch prime ale at 90g per 22.5 litre. Which is about 2g per 500ml.
For a lager I might increase to 3g per 500ml.
For a Hefeweisen I might go up to 4g per 500ml.

At 6g per 500ml plus carbonation drops I'd be worried that when I open the keg/bottle all the beer would come out, or they might blow :?

Sorry, I'm not near my pc to do volume pressure calculations just now.
Are you using a CO2 injection tap with these kegs?

Priming rates for minis are lower than for bottles/barrels.

Personally I wouldn't add more than 8gms of sugar per keg. Over carbed minis dispense an awful lot of foam! Plus there is the risk of damaging your kegs-they are not as strong as glass (sturdy but can't take the same pressure) & in EXTREME cases (not had it happen to me) they can buckle or split along the seam.

Links to JBK thread
http://www.jimsbeerkit.co.uk/forum/view ... gs#p507615
http://www.jimsbeerkit.co.uk/forum/view ... =6&t=46415
After what craig said i decided against the sugar/ carbonation drops combo and just went with 12 drops per keg

And just to be safe ive put them in a plastic box with lid in case anything does go wrong, im gonna try and leave them for a month before sampling

Cheers for the help guys
Steve-instructions from manufacturers website

Starters kit mini kegs BREWFERM
If you’re tired of filling bottles or maybe planning to have a party, choose for a mini keg ! Put your beer in a keg, add 3 g of sugar/litre and let the beer ferment in a warm place.Then place the keg in a cool environment. After just a few days, you can tap your beer for consumption. The CO2 pressure gives your beer a beautiful head. There is never any contact with the outside air so your beer is preserved for at least a couple of weeks.

Each carbonation drop is roughly the equivalent of 3 g of sugar (I believe-never used them).Going by the above instructions you would only use 5 in a minikeg (again IMHO thats still far too much,3 or 3 1/2 would be plenty)

If you have taken hydrometer readings & your beer hadn't reached its correct final gravity that will mean even more fermentables in your kegs.

Craig is correct in the amounts of priming sugar for bottling or using a pressure barrel, but not for mini kegs.

Bottom line-12x3g of carb drops (again I am assuming that they weigh about 3 g each)= 36g
Manufactuers info 5x3g of sugar=15g

So,having over primed what to do? Depends on your equipment. Some minikeg bungs have a pressure relief valve (http://www.leylandhomebrew.com/item2989.htm).If you are using these then you should be okay.
If you are using the grey rubber Bullseye style bungs (normally used with a beer tap http://www.amazon.com/Rubber-Mini-Keg-B ... B006O2CXWG) then you are going to have fun inserting the tap when your beer is conditioned. If your kegs have the built in tap & you are using the black bungs with a red vent(http://www.amazon.com/Plastic-Mini-Keg- ... i+Keg+Bung) then hopefully you should be able to release some of the excess CO2.

TBH after warm conditioning I would keep these kegs as cold as possible to try & absorb some of the CO2. When you pour this brew have a jug handy- I'll bet my boots the first 3 pints will be all head.

When you know you have over primed!

https://twitter.com/poconghaile/status/ ... 49/photo/1

& accompanying thread

http://www.beoir.org/community/viewtopi ... =29&t=8689

Take it outside & shoot it! :rofl:

There is some info on the site about using minis,but not as much as there is about cornies or plastic kegs. A FAQ/how to guide would be helpful. I had written one for another site (now defunct),but again as most folk here bottle/corny or keg there didn't seem much point in resurrecting it.

I have used these kegs on and off for the last 3 years so although I am no expert I do know enough about them to offer sensible advice.

I will keep an eye on this thread.

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Se one tablespoon of sugar per mini keg and that provides ample for an ale, reckon you might have a bit of frothy fun there.

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