Steve-instructions from manufacturers website
Starters kit mini kegs BREWFERM
If youâre tired of filling bottles or maybe planning to have a party, choose for a mini keg ! Put your beer in a keg, add 3 g of sugar/litre and let the beer ferment in a warm place.Then place the keg in a cool environment. After just a few days, you can tap your beer for consumption. The CO2 pressure gives your beer a beautiful head. There is never any contact with the outside air so your beer is preserved for at least a couple of weeks.
Each carbonation drop is roughly the equivalent of 3 g of sugar (I believe-never used them).Going by the above instructions you would only use 5 in a minikeg (again IMHO thats still far too much,3 or 3 1/2 would be plenty)
If you have taken hydrometer readings & your beer hadn't reached its correct final gravity that will mean even more fermentables in your kegs.
Craig is correct in the amounts of priming sugar for bottling or using a pressure barrel, but not for mini kegs.
Bottom line-12x3g of carb drops (again I am assuming that they weigh about 3 g each)= 36g
Manufactuers info 5x3g of sugar=15g
So,having over primed what to do? Depends on your equipment. Some minikeg bungs have a pressure relief valve ( you are using these then you should be okay.
If you are using the grey rubber Bullseye style bungs (normally used with a beer tap ... B006O2CXWG) then you are going to have fun inserting the tap when your beer is conditioned. If your kegs have the built in tap & you are using the black bungs with a red vent( ... i+Keg+Bung) then hopefully you should be able to release some of the excess CO2.
TBH after warm conditioning I would keep these kegs as cold as possible to try & absorb some of the CO2. When you pour this brew have a jug handy- I'll bet my boots the first 3 pints will be all head.
When you know you have over primed! ... 49/photo/1
& accompanying thread ... =29&t=8689
Take it outside & shoot it! :rofl:
There is some info on the site about using minis,but not as much as there is about cornies or plastic kegs. A FAQ/how to guide would be helpful. I had written one for another site (now defunct),but again as most folk here bottle/corny or keg there didn't seem much point in resurrecting it.
I have used these kegs on and off for the last 3 years so although I am no expert I do know enough about them to offer sensible advice.
I will keep an eye on this thread.