A Seasonal Stout - 08Nov08 (photos and links)

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This got down to below 1.012 in primary. It has been in secondary for nearly a week now, but I've only just got round to posting some photos of the transfer and the yeast harvest, which seemed to go pretty well. It's just chilling in the fridge now, waiting for me to get motivated for another brewday. Maybe the Treacle Stout thread will inspire me to use some of those icky yeasties...
Cheers Wez - I need to add the hop processing photies and then get on with another brewday, but there just don't seem to be enough hours in the days right now...
I'm drinking the big shiny one, but I might let some other people drink the little glass jobs

nice thread

i love your description 'looks like a giant pint of guinness', it really did! made me smile.

Cool bottles and labels too, they kinda of remind me of hazardous chemical labels :D

i'm all nostalgic for making a beer again!