A little help please??

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New Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Hi I started my brew on 20.04.2013 with a OG of 1.040 I have taken a sample today 10 days later and it shows 1.010 ( i think i'm reading the hydrometer right ) when i took the sample there were small bubbles coming up like id poured it out of a glass to drink it, could this mean its still in the fermentation process?
is 10 days too long not long enough ???
Should I test again tomorrow or leave until the weekend and check again??
It says on the hydrometer that should not bottle until 1.006 is that right?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm a complete NOOB......
no worries mate until you ask no one knows , best to test tomorrow and then on friday , if still the same then its ready
Hi Marc.

Sounds like its doing good, whatever the brew is.

Leave it another day and take another reading, if they are the same your ready to bottle/keg if not leave another day and retest.
Take no notice of what the manufacturers say... :grin: be guided by your hydrometer.
It will do no harm being left in the fermenter for 2 weeks or more so don't worry.

Enjoy your beer eventually.
Give it another 4 days or so, basically until it stops dropping.
A couple of weeks is fine, three isn't that unusual.
What are you brewing?
KC :thumb:
Thanks for the replies,
Am i right in thinking that the higher the reading the lower the % ?? so bottling at 1.010 will be a lower % lager than at 1.006?

Its a coopers lager kit ( the one with a green lid ) sorry I forgot to put that.
most beers go to around 1010 or 1009 and that,s more alcohol produced than if the reading was 1016 say.
have a play with the forum calculator top left and enter some trial numbers in....see how much alcohol is made.
cheers, very reassuring to have you guys say its all ok!!!

and the calculator is good too.
cwiseman77 said:
piddledribble said:
Take no notice of what the manufacturers say

This is genuinely the best advice you can get :thumb:

great having the option to ask questions on here too.

I just read on another post that using a enhancer instead of just sugar can also give a higher FG ?? If thats the case then my reading of 1.010 could be about right.
After 10 days it could well be finished at 1.010 but it won't harm it (even do it good) to stay in the fv for a few more days. As has been said, take a reading for the next day or two, if its unchanged then get it bottled or kegged :thumb: