I can't seem to copy and paste from BrewSmith but I've just brewed a 23L batch of the following for the second time (the wife likes lager) and it's currently fermenting.
4.01 kg Lager Malt (3.5 EBC)
1.22 kg Flaked rice (2 EBC)
0.16 kg Munich Malt (17.7 EBC)
0.20 kg Carahell malt (30 EBC)
100g of Tettang split 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 at 90 minutes, 15 minutes and steep/whirlpool for 10 minutes at flameout
Hi RLGMIlson, have you temperature control for your lager? A true lager needs to be brewed between 9 -15ð. I'm doing a Czech Pilsner tomorrow similar to Umfana's recipe. Although I've done several lagers I've never done a Pilsner type.
Hi RLGMIlson, have you temperature control for your lager? A true lager needs to be brewed between 9 -15ð. I'm doing a Czech Pilsner tomorrow similar to Umfana's recipe. Although I've done several lagers I've never done a Pilsner type.