98 IBUs?

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Jan 15, 2015
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I've got all my ingredients ready for my Stone Ruination IPA clone. But I don't remember the IBUs being so high - it certainly didn't make me pull a daft face when I tried a couple last year. I could reduce the amount of hops and/or boil time, but then it wouldn't be a clone.

All Grain Recipe - Stone Ruination IIPA::: 1.078/1.017 (5.5 Gal)
Grain Bill

14 lbs. - 2 Row Pale Malt
1 lb. - Crystal Malt (40L)
1 lb. - Munich Malt (10L)
1 lb. - Carapils
Hop Schedule (98 IBU)

1.75 oz - Magnum (60 min.)
1 oz - Centennial (30 min.)
1 oz - Centennial (10 min.)
1 oz - Centennial (1 min.)
2 oz - Centennial - Dry Hop in secondary

White Labs California Ale Yeast (WLP001) - 1800 ml starter


Mash at 150° to 152° for 60 min.
Sparge as usual
Cool and ferment at 66° to 68°

It's all in American, so I'm guessing it's a 19L batch.

Er, no - it does say 5.5 gallons at the top, and I think US gallons are smaller than UK ones but only a little, so I'd guess that's a 23L or thereabouts brew.
Also the last 4 oz of hop additions shouldn't affect the bitterness level if I understand these things correctly. So I don't think your 98 IBUs level is remotely correct.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though...
Technichally your right that that hop schedule gives you about 98IBU (well about 100 IBU really) but if all you figures are correct, that's a monster of a brew. Cwrw666 is right in that US and imperial gallons are different which means this brew has got a OG of 1.083! The bittering addition is about 72 IBU but you'd need such a big amount to balance all the malt sugars.

I had a look at the stone ruination website and they claim there beer is over 100 IBU. Also your clone might note be as clone-y as you like as they say they use nuggent, simcoe, citra, and azacca hops as well
It just didn't have that "wow!!" bitterness feel to it. I did sip it like wine though.

...this is making me thirsty!
That's because the bittering hops have 80+ OG to balance out. Did it have a big hop taste/aroma to it

It's been almost a year since I tasted it, but it definitely had that hoppy, American craft way about it. Very refreshing, and the strength made you respect it a lot.
That's because the bittering hops have 80+ OG to balance out. Did it have a big hop taste/aroma to it


The higher the OG, the higher the IBUs need to be to have the same balance of bitterness v sweetness.
That is quite a big grain bill for 5.5 gallons even if it is US gallons which I guess is why its heavy on the IBU's
Are you sure it's not just a lupulin threshold shift? You say it's been a while since you first had the Ruination, maybe it doesn't have that punch your face bitterness because your pallet is used to more bitterness than previously?
Are you sure it's not just a lupulin threshold shift? You say it's been a while since you first had the Ruination, maybe it doesn't have that punch your face bitterness because your pallet is used to more bitterness than previously?

Possibly. I tried a Brewdog Jackhammer last night with a claimed 200+ theoretical IBUs. It was 7.2% ABV, so the OG (1.069 in the case of the Brewdog) to IBU ratio theory does seem to hold up.


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