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I read it. Noted it was being dealt with. Decided my input wasn't needed.

Billy994: you can always try another forum and I suspect you have just frozen yourself out of this one.
I'm just off to post a question now.... this is a fantastic forum and I have learned so much. Thanks everyone!
Sorry you feel like your posts are bringing ignored you did get a reply also ifyou do a bit of digging around there lots of info on here I wouldn't chuck it try stirring it to wake the yeast keep an eye on the temp check your hydro is calibrated and best thing patience
Don't worry Billy, we are a forgiving forum. :D :lol:
You were probably very anxious about your brew, we can all get that way especially if we think we have a problem. :D
Lots of help and fun banter here, stay with it. :thumb:
31bb3 said:
Sorry you feel like your posts are bringing ignored you did get a reply also ifyou do a bit of digging around there lots of info on here I wouldn't chuck it try stirring it to wake the yeast keep an eye on the temp check your hydro is calibrated and best thing patience

I don't think this is one of their strengths.
Good god!!!!, im a hero :clap: . Im the one who answered, i could even get knighted, and be like jimmy saville :wha:
bottler said:
I could even get knighted, and be like jimmy saville :wha:
Got ya tracksuit ready............ ;)
Of the 74 views a fair proportion will have been from "bots" indexing the forum for search engines; bloody bots are always take, take , take and never go to the effort of replying.....
right, this is finding its way to my favoruites from now on...


new users need to learn we're an internet forum, not a professional help service. if you want to complain about the advice you're receiving, maybe it's time to visit your lhbs and ask, buy a flippin book, or join a brew club instead of venting behind a keyboard at a bunch of hobbyists. bloody internet!
ryanshelton said:
Question: if the same person looks at the thread numberous times does the view counter increase?
Answer: Yes and the post counter will also tick up if its viewed by non members who just stumble upon it while surfing the web.
ryanshelton said:
So at least 13 of the views are the replies, then theres the google search as you say and then people like me who looked and couldnt help!!
Correct the view counter records the number of times the thread has been accessed by members, guests or bots (crawlers spiders etc) and it makes no difference if they are repeat visits. That 's the trouble when people see that their thread has had many views but few replies and make assumptions. :roll: