5L water container as DJ ?

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Sep 6, 2014
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Evening all...

I was thinking about doing a few experimental brews on a smaller scale (I usually do 25L batches of wine/cider)

I'm not inclined to get glass DJ'S at this point but saw some people using 5L water bottles with the top drilled out to fit an airlock (with grommet ?)

Assuming that bit is easy to accommodate, I wondered what I would use for racking/bottling, cos I've got a bottling wand but it's probably too long to use for a small container (ie it reaches to the bottom of my 30L FV's

What do you guys with dj's use for racking ?

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Just in passing I tried using 5L water containers for storage, but could never get the lids to seal, once removed they don't seem to want to go back. Mind you mine were just bargain basement co-op water bottles and not designed to be reused. Don't imagine it will cause much disruption to your plans but you might prepare youself for minimal airlock activity.
Evening all...
What do you guys with dj's use for racking ?

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Another DJ. Been lucky picking up dj's this year, cheapest being 50p dearest £1.50 in charity shop.
I'm only a newbie to this so I opted for these rather than glass just to make cider in. I found them to be ideal for me. Tesco seem to be the strongest but I'm using Asda ones at the moment. I just used a 10mm hole punch (used for leather etc) to make a hole in the cap for an airlock and it fits perfectly. But then I used clingfilm and a rubber band with the cap just sitting on top and that was even easier.

I used 2 for two batches that I just bottled yesterday. I used another one to add priming sugar syrup to then syphoned into it while swirling, then from that straight into bottles using a bottling wand. I did keep the pipe steady about half it's length using some bottles but it was quite stable and didn't tip.

I tried washing them out after use for fermentation but I was not happy I could clean it properly, so now I just swill it out and recycle it, and use a fresh one each time. If you drink bottled water you can refill small bottles from it so you get the FV free.
Cheaper in the long run to go to glass, but easier for me at the moment to use these until I get hold of some demijohns cheaply.
I'm only a newbie to this so I opted for these rather than glass just to make cider in. I found them to be ideal for me. Tesco seem to be the strongest but I'm using Asda ones at the moment. I just used a 10mm hole punch (used for leather etc) to make a hole in the cap for an airlock and it fits perfectly. But then I used clingfilm and a rubber band with the cap just sitting on top and that was even easier.

I used 2 for two batches that I just bottled yesterday. I used another one to add priming sugar syrup to then syphoned into it while swirling, then from that straight into bottles using a bottling wand. I did keep the pipe steady about half it's length using some bottles but it was quite stable and didn't tip.

I tried washing them out after use for fermentation but I was not happy I could clean it properly, so now I just swill it out and recycle it, and use a fresh one each time. If you drink bottled water you can refill small bottles from it so you get the FV free.
Cheaper in the long run to go to glass, but easier for me at the moment to use these until I get hold of some demijohns cheaply.

do you get off flavours from the plastic ?
I haven't noticed any.
You only tend to get these if you are using hot water in them or leave stuff stored for a long time. I think they are PET, if so, most flavoured drinks and some cider is sold in them. These just aren't suitable for pressure because of the shape. I will check tomorrow what plastic they use.
I rack to another DJ to degas thru to fining using a small auto syphon, once its cleared i rack again to a bottom connection king keg and bottle wand it from that.
I've tried plastic 5lt containers, but I don't think you get a good seal around the screw top, (the grommet and airlock fits fine) and I think you may get air going back into the container and bacteria spoiling the wine/brew. I would be interested to know how you get on.

Happy Brewing
I have 5 plastic water containers which I have used for both primary and secondary stages and it's been fine. The lids don't go on properly but my beer has come out fine, but PTFE could around the thread could solve this. With one batch I ran out of lids so I sterilised a freezer bag and wrapped it around the top with an elastic band. After a few days it looks a bit like a hot air balloon. As long as the yeast makes a good start on the beer, it will create a layer of CO2 which will purge any O2 and once it gets to ~3.5% it's alcoholic enough to kill most bacteria.

I've not had off flavours, but no beer has spent more than 1-2 weeks in there which is the limit beer should remain in plastic for.
I used to use 5L water bottles when i first started, a 28 mm hole (i bought a cheap step drill from ebay) will allow you to use a standard bung and airlock or as has been said get some grommets.

I didn't notice any plastic taste and have never read any comments about it here so you will be fine, some members who used to use them and nothing else did say they threw them after several uses as there might be a chance chemicals could leech into their brews (peace of mind i guess)

The racking cane solution, cut your existing cane at the right length for the DJ then get a short piece of syphon tube 60 mm will do the trick so you can join the two together when you need to use it to rack the FV.
The 5L Ashbeck water bottles are great to use for demi johns and are excellent for making James Bond yeast starters. Plus the Ashbeck water is ideal for StarSan, win all round.
That's all I use mostly is plastic 5l containers from homebrew shop.
I also use the 5l water containers from Iceland (£1 each) to rack them.


I have 4 glass dj and only ever will need two as I have moved on from stove top ag brewing.

Happy to swap them for a few bottles of tc (to see if i want to try some of my own). I'm just at roseburn if you are interested?

I have 4 glass dj and only ever will need two as I have moved on from stove top ag brewing.

Happy to swap them for a few bottles of tc (to see if i want to try some of my own). I'm just at roseburn if you are interested?
Nice one matey, oddly enough for once I don't have any TC ready (stock took a kick in last weekend when I had some pals round)

Will get some on in the next few weeks in between holidays so hold that thought and I'll get some made to swap

TC wise, do you have a preference for plain apple, strawberry and Lime (that was was a cracker), or blackcurrant ?

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Whatever is at the top of your next brew list. Cheers.
Strawberry and Lime was pretty tasty so will probably do that one 😎

Be back to you in 3 weeks or so

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