Ive now got an fv fridge and brewing a lager at mo at 18c. When i second ferment it to clear, do i need to put in fridge at 18c again or can i leave it in a cool room in house so i can get another beer fermenting. Does temperature matter?
Kev888 said:It may sound weird, but in some ways transferring to a secondary FV can actually slow the settling process; the reason being that all the fine stuff thats beginning to slowly drop towards the bottom gets mixed up again during the transfer. A secondary fermenter is perhaps most commonly used in order to remove the beer from dead/dying yeast at the bottom, which if left for too long can cause off-flavours (autolysis), and/or if you were using finings it avoids the crud being stirred up off the bottom when you stir them in.
Unfortunately its a matter of debate as to how long it takes for autolysis to become an issue. Conversely you don't want to rack 'too' soon -partly because you don't want to rob the beer/wort of working yeast prematurely, and partly because its worth waiting for the worst of the stuff to finish settling out first or you'll transfer it anyway. I'd say 'at least' wait for the fermentation to die down to almost nothing visible, and then its up to you - personally I tend not to bother with the secondary FV at all if I'm kegging within two or three weeks, but I will if I'm leaving it much longer or if for some reason it is on the warm side.
Settling can definitely be speeded by chilling if you have the option, but if thats a problem then given more time it will settle at normal fermentation temperatures. There is sometimes confusion between a secondary 'fermenter' and the priming fermentation (in kegs/bottles etc) that some people call the secondary 'fermentation' - this priming fermentation does need to be at more normal fermenting temperatures for the yeast in question.
Good Ed said:When you batch prime, you siphon off to a second FV add priming sugar and bottle straight away
rpt said:Interesting technique that sounds like a good idea. Do you ensure the beer is below 5C before adding the priming sugar?