25kg bags of grain

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I've ordered some more 20 litre gamma seal buckets for base grain, as pleased with the first ones. Out of interest I graphed my malt use over the 35 brews to date...

No surprise it's Ale, American Ale (2-row pale) and Pilsner leading the charge.

(These are all Gladfield brand name malts, Gladiator is a Dextrin and Toffee a Caramalt) Misc covers oats, flaked barley, acidulated, brown, melanoidin, roast/black malts etc.

Plan is to have the 3 base grains stored at hand, and only order in speciality malts and yeast as required...
Exploring the option of buying a bag from my local micro brewer. Before I enquire I was worried what would be the sensible use by time?
If I can't split the bag with anyone local (TR11 4LJ) it could well be over a year before I use it all up.
Store properly it will last a long time. Not for everybody but when I open a sack I bag the rest up in 2.5kg portions and store vac packed it will stay fre easilysh much longer then. Word of warning if you do vac pack do not over do the vacuum as the bags can get punctured by the malt grains undoing all your good work. I doubt you will have problems using it as 25kg is but 125L of good bitter only 2.5 l per week supped o_O
I've ordered some more 20 litre gamma seal buckets for base grain, as pleased with the first ones. Out of interest I graphed my malt use over the 35 brews to date...
View attachment 92505
No surprise it's Ale, American Ale (2-row pale) and Pilsner leading the charge.

(These are all Gladfield brand name malts, Gladiator is a Dextrin and Toffee a Caramalt) Misc covers oats, flaked barley, acidulated, brown, melanoidin, roast/black malts etc.

Plan is to have the 3 base grains stored at hand, and only order in speciality malts and yeast as required...
That's very interesting, @sifty and I wonder what a similar graph for my usage would look like. I've often pondered over Gladfield descriptions as I particularly like NZ recipes- Wild About Hops have some very interesting interpretations. I wonder if their American Ale malt is like our Low Colour Maris Otter. for example.
As regards the graph, I might do it just out of interest. I know that Melanoidin (Light) wouldn't be included in miscellaneous as I get through loads of it in my GPAs.
Yeah I found it interesting. I'm usually the other way round, converting recipes to local malt. I use the Gladfield app on my phone that covers most malt brands, but still have to research a few substitutions. You can get most malts here but they are a bit more expensive. I'm going to use Fawcett's Golden Promise in an ESB one day as that's readily available.
Couple of screenshots from Gladfield app, note often the values are adjusted,...
Screenshot_20231201_054915_Gladfield Malt.jpg

Screenshot_20231201_055025_Gladfield Malt.jpg