As stated above i generally bottle some of my stuff and barrel the rest. I plan to condition the brew for at least 4 weeks in the barrel/botles before drinking, and it will probably take at least 4 weeks to drink a kit, probably even longer as i plan to have a couple of kits on the go at one time.
So is the general consensus that transferring the brew to a secondary fermentation bucket prior to bottling/barreling is not necessary, but will produce clearer beer?
I've only done a couple of kits, and the last one I did I ended up with quite a lot of sediment in the bottom of the bottle, so I think i may trasnfer brew to a secondary fermentation bucket before i bottle the current kit. (current kit is lager so going to bottle the lot)
Unless of course, someone can tell me why i shouldn't do this. I can see i need to be careful with oxidation, but are there any other concerns? Does secondary fermentation (i.e. in the bottle) suffer at all for the brew being taken of the yeast sediment early? Am i righti nthinking that dead yeast sinks to the bottom, and active yeast is flaotign around the brew? OR does the live yeast also sink to the bottom?
Questions questions!