Hi all.
Can i just take the time to say that i'm not very experienced in the homebrew world! (but i've now got the bug)
I've made for my first attempt a ''packet recipe'' Kit. just add sugar and water.
Its come to the end of it's time now going by the instructions, it's a kit called geordies, made it as it said on the tin and even used the 1kg of beer enhancer which it states on the tin. only cost £15.00 in total and a bit of time, so for the first attemp i'm quite chuffed.
As i say it tastes great, but its flat, not fizzy as you would expect lager to be. that said it kind of tastes like flat carling.
is there any way of making it fizzy without buying loads of expensive equiptment? (sounds stupid but would a soda stream work)? am I doing something wrong? as i've followed the in :wha: structions to the letter?!?!?
The lager is sat quite happy in a pressure barrel (King keg with lastock eay serve float system) i have a co2 canister which fits on the top but am i correct in, this will onlt push the lager out of the barrel and not make it ''fizzy''?
thanks for the help......and here's looking forward to making a new batch. any advice would be greatly received. :wha: :thumb:
Can i just take the time to say that i'm not very experienced in the homebrew world! (but i've now got the bug)
I've made for my first attempt a ''packet recipe'' Kit. just add sugar and water.
Its come to the end of it's time now going by the instructions, it's a kit called geordies, made it as it said on the tin and even used the 1kg of beer enhancer which it states on the tin. only cost £15.00 in total and a bit of time, so for the first attemp i'm quite chuffed.
As i say it tastes great, but its flat, not fizzy as you would expect lager to be. that said it kind of tastes like flat carling.
is there any way of making it fizzy without buying loads of expensive equiptment? (sounds stupid but would a soda stream work)? am I doing something wrong? as i've followed the in :wha: structions to the letter?!?!?
The lager is sat quite happy in a pressure barrel (King keg with lastock eay serve float system) i have a co2 canister which fits on the top but am i correct in, this will onlt push the lager out of the barrel and not make it ''fizzy''?
thanks for the help......and here's looking forward to making a new batch. any advice would be greatly received. :wha: :thumb: