1st ag brew day Today now with pics

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Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
braintree essex
well thanks to a lot of people on here i am now ready ( i think )
so my water is treated and all grains weighed out ready for tomorrow
i am doing a speckled hen
well here it is ready for tomorrow



once again thanks to evreyone on here for all the great help
Good luck Darren, take your time and enjoy it :thumb: it'll all make sense as you go along, keep an idiot sheet to hand to make sure you don't forget anything :wha:

Welcome to the dark side ... (it's a happy place really) :thumb:
Enjoy your rite of passage to the darkside tomorrow. We will be waiting to great you on the other side. :lol: :lol:

Hope its going well mate! You should do another one tomorrow .. great way to end one year and start the next!

Damn, why didn't I think of that!

Have a great brewday!
I did a Speckled Hen for my 2nd AG and it turned out great, a little under strengthed but no one noticed or cared.

Tony said:
Hope its going well mate! You should do another one tomorrow .. great way to end one year and start the next!

Damn, why didn't I think of that!


no can do as i only have 1 heater for my fv and its chilly out there
but once i get some more cristal malt ill do a timothy taylor landlords next week onve the fv is free
its all in the boiler , been there for about 40 mins so far
no probs really just thought i had the sg wrong but after some guidance from aleman its all good just me not fully understanding the readings at certain stages
Good man!

Can't you keep your FV in the kitchen? FV's are pretty cheap - and free if you can get hold of mango barrels or the like. The problem I have is getting away with having them in the house, at the moment I'm in 'er good books (smart xmas pressies) so I can get away with 2 FVs in the kitchen.
Tony said:
Good man!

Can't you keep your FV in the kitchen? FV's are pretty cheap - and free if you can get hold of mango barrels or the like. The problem I have is getting away with having them in the house, at the moment I'm in 'er good books (smart xmas pressies) so I can get away with 2 FVs in the kitchen.
ive got 2 fv but only 1 heater
so next weekend will prob be ok
well i started at about 9:30 am by switching on the hlt and going back in for a coffee

in to the mash tun

after 90 mins i lost .8 degree

bit of sparging

in to the boiler for 90 mins
add a few hops



then a few more later
and some sugar

chiller in



just a bit of cleaning



job done
Nice one darren :thumb:

won't be long before you'll be testing a bottle or two :drink:

welcome to the dark side :cheers:

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