1st AG BIAB - Hefeweiss

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Aug 8, 2013
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After just 4 kit brews I have done my first BIAB wheat beer, closely modelled on Pitty's Hefeweiss that saw a substantial thread a few weeks ago, I just added a little darker malt to add some colour. Many of the answers on that thread helped me out with my first AG brew so thanks to everyone who helped crE as you also helped me. Have taken a few photos as per the usual form with brewday threads:

Weighing the wheat malt

Up to temperature for the main mash

All tucked up for 90 mins, lost 2 degrees over that time

First addition of hops ready

Cooling the FV down to pitching temperature in a water bath

Have managed to get around 21 litres at 1055. Will be pitching with WLP380 as per all the recommendations as soon as the temperature has cooled enough.

well done mr tickler hope it turns out a good brew for you , just starting the boil on a similar weiss (yet again) myself . Welcome over
well done on your brew day....Onward and upward now, the brewing world is your mollusc... :grin:
Thanks for the encouragement guys! Didn't manage to get the liquid cool enough to pitch the yeast until 9pm last night but a yeast head is now forming and so I'm happy. I've never used a liquid yeast before so am pleased that it works as expected, especially as it costs so much more than dried...

I do have one question though - is there any way to turn off that little voice in your head that keeps dreaming up recipes to try and brew? :)
I've just siphoned this from the first FV into the bottling bucket so I can bottle it on Saturday and some accidentally made it into a glass I had with me. All I can say about the taste is WOW! Pittsy, I based my brew on your recipe and it is brilliant - only changes I made were to add a little melanoidin malt and a little more Hallertau Mittlefruh than what you recently posted. Gravity is down to 1014 at the moment so that gives a more than useful 5.4% ABV.

Will be making a second batch of this on Saturday - I think I'm hooked on the dark side...
Theakston Tickler said:
is there any way to turn off that little voice in your head that keeps dreaming up recipes to try and brew?

no. Just like it's impossible to not keep thinking of more shiny kit to buy...

Theakston Tickler said:
I think I'm hooked on the dark side

You are. Worse than crack is brewing... One hit and that's it...
It's a very dark path indeed , after a while the shinny calls and some time later the joy of corny comes knocking and they will breed . I wonder what's next for me :hmm: ;)
Yep a slippery dark path this AG lark!
The shiny corner of the dark side is very hard to resist,
Say goodbye to your pocket money for the foreseeable future!
;) :cheers:
Well done on your wheaty ! If you like darker wheat beers
Try adding 90g caramunich and 25g carafa II

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