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i was looking at the trial jar and thinking the same thing. but doesn't your hydrometer stick to the sides?
BrewStew said:
i was looking at the trial jar and thinking the same thing. but doesn't your hydrometer stick to the sides?

It's the tube the hydro comes in. My 'proper' trial jar thingy sprung a leak. It has about 1mm either side for clearance. It takes a few mins to slowly settle but it works well. Better then the one that leaks that is.
This brew is the last time i'm using Ringwood. Either Ringwood doesn't like my brews or me. Can't blame it if it's me. :lol: But the F-ing stuff is determined to NOT ferment out anything it comes in touch with. 1420 is now stuck at 1018 and thats after being roused daily for the last 3 days. It only started at 1044 fer christ sake! It's been kept at a constant 18C. Or so my min/max thermometer tells me. I'm really not impressed with this yeast and i've still got loads left. :roll: I reckon it'll end up down the drain. F-ing lazy **** ******* stuff. :evil:

End of Rant...
Excellent pictures, looks a good one.

I'm planning my next. But cant really decide what to brew.
1420 is now stuck at 1018 and thats after being roused daily for the last 3 days. It only started at 1044 fer christ sake! It's been kept at a constant 18C.

If you suspect it's going to stick it's well worth ramping the temp up towards 22 deg c just to keep things going.
You'd be surprised how many times you think your brews stuck, but if you let it mature properly, it will creep down to your target :whistle: ....it's happened to me a few times and it's happening again as I type :roll:
I will leave it till it's lazily got there but i really need the FV for another brew. I want it in a cornie asap.