12th October 2009 - Effin Bohemian Pilsner

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Aug 15, 2008
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Assuming its not raining tomorrow I will be brewing my annual Bohemian Pilsner.

Aiming for 76L at 1.048, 40IBU

12500g British Lager Malt - Normally I would use Weyermann Pilsner but this was 16.50 a sack
2000g Munich Malt
500g Melanoidin Malt

100g Barley Bottom Saaz (3.3%Alpha - First Wort Hops)
150g Barley Bottom Saaz (3.3%Alpha - 90 Minutes)
125g Barley Bottom Saaz (3.3%Alpha - 15 Minutes)
25g Barley Bottom Saaz (3.3%Alpha - 70C Steep)

Its coming up a little low on the IBU so I might very well alter this schedule . . . and throw in some of Ross' NZ Pacific Hallertau for FWH . . . which means I can move the FWH Saaz to the 70C Steep for a real Czech punch
Hope you have a great brewday Aleman :thumb:

Fingers crossed on the weather for you.
Have a good one A. I'll be watching this one carefully as I plan a Pilsner (or a Heles) around December. :cheers:
Well this morning has been a washout due tot he rain, its improving but lots of threatening clouds . . . still I am preparing stuff to have an afternoon brewing session tomorrow

Live video is available Here Or alternatively direct from UStream TV
Well 68L at 1.044 in the FV being brought down to 10C tonight and I'll pitch 80g of Saflager W34/70 tomorrow morning. . . . Its a bitter wort . . . but a lovely colour.

I'm under gravity and under strength (Was Aiming for 76l at 1.047) . . . could be because of the underletting creating drier spots in the mash which were more dense than others so sparging was inefficient . . . but also 490g of hops also absorb a lot of wort . . . 8L is easily a possibility . . . . IIRC 1Kg of hops displaces 1L and absorbs 15L of wort in the copper . . . so there is my lost 8L . . . . . Hmm at 41IBU this could end up being a little bit over bittered . . . but then it will need to be lagered . . .
80g of Rehydrated yeast pitched at 9:00 this morning, and given a good stir . . . . Will see what's happening when I get home . . . turned the temp down to 10C as well
Hope you are reporting bubbles soon Aleman :thumb:
I was watching a little of the live feed yesterday :cool:
Get yourself a tarpaulin to brew under A. Rig a couple of anchor brackets to the wall and fill a couple of buckets with concrete. Add a couple of extendable washing line poles into the buckets before the concrete sets. Use bungee cords to attach the tarp to the brackets and poles and the worst rain won't be able to stop ya :lol:
Nice cheap soln......how would I know...I live in sunny Manchester :rofl: :roll: :rofl:
Bit late but finally got to deal with the images I was able to take courtesy of two flat batteries . . . Daughters :roll:
Grain Bill

What I decided to do this time was to put the grain into the tun and then add the mash liquor from underneath the false bottom . . . in theory this means that you get an even distribution of heat with minimal stirring. You can just see the liquor coming to the surface in this pic

In Practice it does work but not perhaps as well as described. I ended up with several pockets of drier more compacted grain when I emptied the tun which I would guess was the reason for my less than stellar efficiency . . . . lesson learned do it in two batches next time, and stir between batches. Still mash temp was spot on


I made a new IC this time using 20mm of 10mm copper wound in two coils . . . It did the job.


Aeration of the wort on its way to the FV


Rehydrating 80g of W34/70 yeast. . . use more next time


And here is the wort in the FV . . . nice and clear.

So I pitched the yeast on the 11th, and yesterday (20th) I turned hte temperature up to 16C for the Diacetyl rest as the gravity was at 1.019 from 1.044, and the yeast was clearing. Today 21st gravity is at 1.015 and so I am crash cooling to 6C for the remaining three days of fermentation . . . I'll then add auxiliary finings and crash cool further to 2C for a week before transferring to a secondary for lagering.

It's Beer Jim!