1 st attempt at Turbo Cider

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New Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Hello all,

I decided to have a got at Turbo Cider and used the following recipe:

5 Ltrs pure juice (from concentrate)
150 grms brewing sugar
1 heaped teaspoon of Youngs super wine yeast.
1 cup black tea.

Anyway, I got it all together and put it in the DJ, over the next 36 hours had a fantastic ammount of activity- 5 to 6 bubbles a second through the airlock, Yesterday, everything stopped- nil activity. Checked with Hydro- down to 1001 so 6.6 ABV. Is it ready to bottle? It's only been four days, it looks like cloudy apple juice. Does it clear whilst bottle conditioning?

Thanks in advance :cheers:

it is Turbo cider - it's supposed to be quick.
leave it a day if you want, just in case it hasn't fully stopped - no harm done.
or bottle it now - again no harm done.
it's probably quite drinkable, but will only mature with age

other people on here think that it takes several months to reach it's best after bottling, so I'd bottle it now, and get another batch on the go, make sure you lable your bottles though, so's you know which batch is which when you have ten batches bottled, and several bottles left from each one.

the difference is a bit like the difference between table salt, and dishwasher salt.
I've no idea what it is, but there's a difference, and I don't like the outcome of mixing the two up, though it probably wouldn't be terminal.
Sugar is sugar pretty much. although there is a bit of a difference between beet and cane.

Well done with your cider .. how did you manage to time 5 to 6 bubbles a second? :D
Thanks :cheers:

I'll get to bottling :D

I got my wife to time 10 seconds while I counted bubbles. It passes the time!

Thanks again,

Hi Rhino,just use normal tate &lyle sugsr for tc it does the job fine.Iwould leave it for a few days checking with a hydrometer as mine normally bottom out at 990-996.tc clears from the top down & when you see it clearing to nearly 1/2 way prime bottles with 1tsp sugar and fill.put somewhere warm for at least 7 days then move somewhere cooler for a week then :drink: the longer it is left the better it gets,hope this helps :cheers:
BARFLY said:
Is brewing sugar the same as normal sugar?
Normal sugar is sucrose, brewing sugar is glucose.
Yeasties have to split sucrose into glucose and fructose before they can turn it to alcohol and carbon dioxide. Brewing sugar just saves them the bother, although it is no bother to them in the first place, they just do it.

Tony said:
Sugar is sugar pretty much. although there is a bit of a difference between beet and cane.
Like what?

I've always preferred to use cane sugar rather than beet, but I think that's mainly based upon the fact that until quite recently we had a beet refinery on our doorstep, regularly got stuck behind tractor-loads of the stuff, and it stank if the wind was in the wrong direction.

Beet seems like a bit of a poor relation to cane, but when it's processed and in bags it's all the same, pure sucrose.