1% abv beer?

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Dec 25, 2012
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Has anybody tried brewing very low alcohol beer? I'm thinking about it more as being fermented hop juice...

Playing around I've come with a mix of Munich malt, mild malt, crystal, amber, torrified wheat, caramalt and chocolate malt that would end up being about 1% ABV. I was thinking about a shorter boil as I can't be bothered but maybe I should boil for longer to get some more flavour in (or not?). First thought was on using amarillo for the bittering and late hop additions and dry hop with cascade pellets. At that ABV probably something in the range 10-20 IBU is more than enough... have to remember to drink this straight from the fridge...
You'd be better shooting for 2.8% as that's what all the breweries are trying to do now.

I made some a while ago as a summer drink when I didnt want to go over the driving limit. I just used enough malt extract to give 1% and a little less hops than usual. It was OK, better than bought alcohol free drinks. But not really satisfying. I ended up just going without when driving.
kev said:
You'd be better shooting for 2.8% as that's what all the breweries are trying to do now.

Only for tax reasons.

Apart from the Fullers one, they're invariably all thin and barely drinkable.
The only one I've seen is the Brewdog - Nanny State, which is 0.5% abv. Unluckily, I've never got to drink it! The description is:

"The beer has 45 IBUS and is brewed with centennial, amarillo, columbus, cascade and simcoe and intensively dry-hopped with centennial and amarillo. The backbone is provided by 8 different types of speciality malts with only 87 kilos of malt used in a 20HL batch (our Punk IPA uses 450 kilos in 20HL)."
jamesb said:
kev said:
You'd be better shooting for 2.8% as that's what all the breweries are trying to do now.

Only for tax reasons.

Apart from the Fullers one, they're invariably all thin and barely drinkable.

Not had the one from Caledonian then? It's amazing.


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