Another thread on a brewing forum complaining about the price of beer
How much does a world class whisky or wine cost? Yet a bunch of people who should know better, begrudge paying more than a few quid for world class beers. Madness.
A fair point and one I would agree with. However, the amount of overpriced shyte that is being churned out these days, in a fancy can, is ridiculous. It's a minefield. Picking out a world class beer from all the turgid crap is about as easy as picking the winning lottery numbers.
Too many breweries are producing bog standard beer and charging you £2 to try it and not like it. Funny how this isn't the case in Belgium. They don't even overcharge in the bars, regardless of the ABV. A 10% beer over there will cost roughly the same as a 5% beer (or at least it did a few years ago). However in the UK, double the ABV means double the price.