
The Homebrew Forum

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  1. Spudhead94

    Crossmyloof Pale Yeast?

    Happy Thursday all! Now a few evenings a go i ordered 3 packets of Crossmyloof us-Pale Ale Yeast, it was my error due to amazons one click purchasing i ordered this instead of the real ale yeast. I plan to use a stout beer kit tomorrow and was curious as to if i make a starter would the yeast i...
  2. Spudhead94

    Kit Splitting?

    Good Evening all, with regards to splitting one can kits... would it be possible to warm 4 litres of water (to 'dissolve' the kit) and then split the 4 litres between two fermenters? I've just bought Chocmeister from wilkos new range and want to brew two lots of 9L it's supposed to be a 22L kit...
  3. 24902657

    Simple Stout.

    Could anybody please post a quick turnaround all grain simple Irish Stout recipe. This will be my 2 nd all grain brew and I don't want anything to complicated. I will be BIAB with a electrim boiler, and I will be doing the no chill method. I think that is all the equipment list I need to...
  4. SmallSpacesBrewing

    22 Gbp for a pint? Really? Clone anyone?

    Just read an article about AleSmith Speedway Stout Hawaiian Special Edition. This stuff must be good.. We need to clone it.
  5. Beatsy

    Russian Imperial Stout - Colour Too Light?

    I have brewed my Chocolate Russian Imperial Stout a couple of weeks ago. The OG came in at 1.079. After a couple of checks with the old hydrometer, the FG is 1.020. This is near enough what I expected. The plan was to then add roasted cacao nibs/vanilla pods/bourbon and keep in the primary for...
  6. arcain

    Milestone Black Pearl

    Brew day today! I've started a Milestone Black Pearl as per instructions however my OG was only 1030 (with 40 pints). I therefore added 200g of Muscovado sugar which has increased OG to 1038, still probably a bit lower than it should be. I gave it a good mix so I'm sure that was the correct...
  7. Specialbrew


    Hi All! This is my first post as I only joined today HURRAH! Just coming up to a year since I lost my brewing cherry (Thanks tom caxton! oooer?) and the missus of course! (for buying it that is! now then!) Just starting to get the lingo and the likes from abit of forum surfing and only really...
  8. Avocado Fruit

    Oatmeal Milk Stout - High Final Gravity??

    Hi guys. I have had an oatmeal milk stout brewing away in my cupboard for about 2 weeks now and I believe I have a stuck fermentation. The original gravity came out at 1.074 and my first reading on day 7 was around 1.040. I was expecting around 1.025, so after a gentle stir to perhaps wake up...