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  1. thrums1

    Carbonation issue

    Okay, I'm sorry for another newbie question but here goes. I brewed some Ultimate Classic German Pilsner exactly as per the instructions. Added the carbonation drops, bottled it and left for 5 days as instructed. Moved to the fridge after a week and left it for another few days. I also made a...
  2. foxbat

    Keggers: do you force or natural carbonate?

    Having sourced a 6kg bottle of CO2 it now seems certain I'll be kegging my first batch of bitter this weekend into a cornie keg. It seems that I have the following options for carbonation: Yeast carbonation at room temperature using priming sugar for a few weeks. Fast force carbonation at a...
  3. mark bruce

    Another numpty query!!!

    Hi guys, another newbie query. I had my 2nd and 3rd brews (Young's APA and Razorback IPA) finish fermentation at roughly the same time and have now bottled them both. I've checked both brews for carbonation after around a week and they are both carbonating nicely. They both tasted really boozy...