an ebay bargain shelf chiller will do the same job as fancy built for purpose jobby you can even get SS cases if the shiny aspect is crucial :)
Looks Good and i do have some brand loyalty as a very satisfied g/f owner. Double walls, insulation and an intergrated hex system are all VERY DESIRABLE features too.
However conicals are imho of very little benefit to small scale homebrewers, perhaps making the harvesting of yeast slightly easier, though its little more hassle to rinse the sediment from a bucket the extra time or 2 it may require.
dropping trub out is of debatable value, most brews dont sit on trub long enough to suffer any detriment anyway.
And i doubt anyone will notice any significant drops in losses due to the conical shape, in fact losses could easily increase with dumping. floculant yeast plugs can stick like treacle blocking the dump drain if left sat a wee bit too long..
But even vanity purchases are valid if you buy with your eyes open

and no one will deny such a system will look way better than any sophisticated arrangement of plastic brew buckets on the bench in any brewspot
just dont expect any significant improvement in the beer it produces tho.. (against any other temp controlled fermentation system) Some temp control will always trump no temp control,, so if moving from no temp control, you probably will see vast improvement in the brews produced and how the brews progress.