First brew of Summer 2014 - Bramling Cross Porter

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Active Member
Sep 17, 2013
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3's officially British summer time and the brew is on...

Got up in the dark to get this one started early as I'm cooking Mother's Day Sunday roast later... :roll: The boiler was on at 6.15am and aiming to start my 90min mash at 7am.

This one is a Robust Porter, somewhat made up with help from the forum and using up bits and bobs. I have a packet of Bramling Cross which don't seem to go with anything, so they are going into this one - seems to be a bit of a Marmite hop this one, but I am hoping that fruity, blackcurranty taste works well with the dark roast flavours in a Porter.

4.5kg Marris Otter Pale Malt
700gms Munich Malt (cos that finishes the bag off...)
650gms Crystal Malt
300gms Chocolate Malt
125gms Black Malt

50gms Fuggles (5.7%) leaf - 60mins
30gms Bramling Cross (4.7%) leaf - 20mins
20gms Bramling Cross (4.7%) leaf - 0mins

Doughing in at around 2.5lts-to-1kg-grain, so around 15lire.

And we're underway....
..... mash is on. Started out a bit hot at 69degrees but come down to a reasonable 67ish now. As there is a a fairly large amount of grain, I am going for a 90min mash this time.

Big hit of coffee smell as the roasted malts when in. Having never made a porter before, I was a little worried that it didn't become to bitter/acrid taste as I'd read that the Black Malt in particular can be pretty powerful. The roasted grains come in at around 7% of the total grain bill, with 2% being the Black Malt, and I've read somewhere to not go above 10%. There is also a reasonable dose of Crystal in there to add sweetness.

Right - an hour in the workshop....
Safale -04 pitched at 12ish and tucked away in the fermenting fridge. Final post-boil gravity was 1.062ish so pretty good extraction, with around 20litres collected.

I didn't get a huge hop flavour from what I tasted, so I think I will finish of the last 20gms of Bramling Cross by dry-hopping if a few weeks time.