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    Mikkeller's Book of Beer Giveaway!

    Hi, I too would like to enter please. Thanks, Alexey.
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    High Final Gravity

    Thanks guys. I'm gonna try the nutrients. The problem is I live in Israel, and I am pretty sure you cant find it here (the homebrewing scene is very new). So I am probably going to order it online from abroad. I have two questions: 1. for how many brews or liters is the 100gr Youngs nutrient...
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    High Final Gravity

    I never heard of yeast nutrients before, but thanks for the tip, I will check it out. I also forgot to mention I am brewing from Extract (not hopped, just malt), and I usually mash some malt for adjustments (150-500 grams of malt). How do I know which nutrients do I need though? Thanks for the...
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    High Final Gravity

    Hello everybody, I've been a big beer lover for years and I've started brewing at home almost a year ago. So far I brewed about 7-8 batches, 20 liters each. I experimented with a Belgian Style Reddish Ale, Porter, Stout, and just yesterday I've bottled an IPA. The first two brews were the...