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  1. Cloudy Beer

    festival German Weiss beer

    Brewed festival German Weiss beer tastes fine but flat in a king Keg which is well gassed Help
  2. Cloudy Beer

    Wilkos best bitter

    have brewd both real and golden not a bad pint:drunk:
  3. Cloudy Beer

    Beer Works Kits

    Has any one made any of these kits :sick:
  4. Cloudy Beer

    Festival Golden Stag Summer Ale Review

    Barrelled now the waiting starts
  5. Cloudy Beer

    King Keg Trauma

    Its about 2 1/2 years old had it replaced as the first exploded
  6. Cloudy Beer

    King Keg Trauma

    I Have ROTOKEG which lost pressure have replaced tap with a sparkler tap replaced all seals, filled with water to pressure test but it only holds for about 36 hours is this normal because it water :?: :?:
  7. Cloudy Beer

    Festival Golden Stag Summer Ale Review

    I have Landlords finest which will be my next brew followed by Bulldogs Thor's Hammer
  8. Cloudy Beer

    Festival Golden Stag Summer Ale Review

    just added the hops they are just sat in the foam on the top hopfully they will make there way into the brew :drink:
  9. Cloudy Beer

    Festival Golden Stag Summer Ale Review

    Just made my 1st of these miss read the instruction made up to 25 litres now just wait and how much difference it will make :cry: