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  1. G

    Golden Stag & A question...

    The instructions said between 20 and 25. I pitched at 26. Seems to be bubbling away nicely at 21C this morning.
  2. G

    Golden Stag & A question...

    Started off my second brew today. Golden Stag Summer Ale. If yet to pitch the yeast as it's sitting at 27C. Reckon it's ok to go for it?
  3. G

    First Timer Bottling Questions

    Hi guys, first time brewer here with a few questions... I've just started off a Coopers European Lager today. I'm planning on bottling this when ready. I have 2 FVs, 1 with a tap, 1 without. I have started the fermentation off in the FV without the tap. My plan is to syphon the lager from the...
  4. G


    Cheers guys. I've just ordered a 5 gallon barrel and Festival Premium Golden Stag. I have bottles for the lager. I was planning on using the barrel for ales. Is this the usual way of doing it?
  5. G


    Hi Guys, New to home brewing. I've just this minute finished starting off a Coopers European Lager kit and it's currently bubbling away in the garage. This seems like a good community to hang around in and ask questions when I need to :) So First question. I'm generally a Lager drinker hence...