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  1. M

    TC sweetning

    Hello guys, My first TC batch has just been transferred over to my secondary. Going to leave it a while to settle. The hydrometer showed the same reading 3 days in a row and no activity. It tastes a bit vinegary. Not overwhelming - I'm not a big fan of the flat cloudy ciders, so I don't really...
  2. M

    Artificial sweeteners.

    Hi Phettebs (or anyone else :) ). Quick question... How many tablets do you use per litre to get a med/sweet cider? I wouldn't have thought tabs would have dissolved?
  3. M

    Cider - Working out original gravity after adding more

    Amazing, Thanks for your help. A lovely welcome to the forum :cheers:
  4. M

    Cider - Working out original gravity after adding more

    Amazing thanks oldbloke. Just a quicky, rather than starting a new thread - most TC posts I've seen, the liquid in the FV has a lot of froth for a couple of days and bubbles once a second. Mine's been going 48 hours, yet there was only a bit of froth, and it' was gone after 24 hours. Also its...
  5. M

    Cider - Working out original gravity after adding more

    Yes it should, didn't see there was one. i ended up at the beer brewing forums (viewforum.php?f=1) - my bad. Please could a mod move this?
  6. M

    Cider - Working out original gravity after adding more

    Thanks alchomist. I've also edited the original post to state I did a 1 gallon batch.
  7. M

    Cider - Working out original gravity after adding more

    Hello there! First time poster, long time wanting to try it out! I've just started my first batch of turbo cider (I plan to let it settle a bit though so it's a bit less turbo-like). I've taken my starting gravity, but it's been a couple of days and the froth has subsided. If I add my last 1/2...