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  1. S

    month in fv is it still ok to use

    started a Mexican cerveza kit by.cooper about a month ago and it finished around 10 days later. i planned to leave it two weeks before batch priming and bottling but an emergency with work meant i had to be flown out to the US. so its been in the fv for a month now. do i have to throw this away...
  2. S

    is my first brew ready?

    sorry for the noob question but i started a coppers mexican cerveza kit on the 5th of may and i checked the hydrometer yesterday and got a reading of 1.010. i read that lager should be 1.010 is this right? I checked again and its still 1.010, so it this now ok to bottle or am i better leaving...
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    help, started coopers mexican cerveza yesterday and no bubbl

    as per title, i followed the instructions, except i didnt add the coopers enhancer 2 until id added the cold water (mistake i know) but should there not be bubbles yet? so i added the cans syrup with boiling water, stirred, added cold water to about 20 litres added the coopers brew enhancer 2...
  4. S

    on the rocks cider question

    hi im making some on the rocks mixed berries cider, and ive bought a home brew kit off a company on ebay, which comes with everything i need. my problem is i dont have a second container to add the flavour mix and sugar for primimg. the fv has a bottling tap at the bottom and i presume this...
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    wilkos cerveza newbie

    hi i am new to brewing and wanted to make a wilkos cerveza kit (love corona :D ) how long after starting the kit will it be ready to drink? it says to add 4 lemons zest, what stage is this done at? instead of bottling could i barrel/keg it? thanks
  6. S

    Making cider for wedding favours...first time brewer

    Thanks calumscott for your help :) sorry for all the questions. ive just ordered 3 kgs fo brewing sugar for the 2 kits. Does this go in with the original mix and then i use normal sugar when bottling? Do i have to use bottled water or is tap ok? I was planning of replacing 2-4 litres of the...
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    Making cider for wedding favours...first time brewer

    Ive just ordered a starter kit and the on the rocks cider kits - Raspberry and lime and Mixed fruits. The website i bought the kits from suggested using brewing sugar, is this the needed or can i use normal tate & lyle granulated sugar? i plan to start these asap so they could spend nearly a...
  8. S

    Making cider for wedding favours...first time brewer

    Thanks for the help... Start now!!! I have a OTR Pear Cider that was started 24/03/2013 and it is now perfect. Do you mean 24/03/2012 ? (my wedding is may 2014, so just over a year away) Im planning on buying one starter kit and doing one, then bottling it up, then starting the second batch...
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    Making cider for wedding favours...first time brewer

    thanks for the replies.... i think im going to do the on the rock kits.... 1 blueberry and 1 raspberry and lime, so potentially i will have 80 pints. if im doing these kits and i want the best flavour for may, when should i start and when should i bottle them? ive heard a few horror stories...
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    Making cider for wedding favours...first time brewer

    Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it wont be authentically made by us, but i think the idea is still good, rather than some jam or boiled sweets. Im thinking now maybe have two different ciders like a summer fruits and a more apple cide rlike bulmers/magners.... what kits would you...
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    Making cider for wedding favours...first time brewer

    Hello all, Me and my fiance are getting married next may (2014) and she keeps suggesting naff wedding favours that i presume no body wants, when i started looking into them i seen some people had created their own beer and bottled it as a wedding favour, i thought this was quite a cool favour...