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  1. hb21l6

    Newbie error 2

    H all, long time since I last posted.. That last batch I made turned out to be a dud. It again tasted like liquorice.. Grrr. Full belts and braces this time. I'm filtering the water in one of them house hold watering jugs. Added qtr tablet of campden to sort out any chlorine / chloimine ...
  2. hb21l6

    Newbie error 2

    Well, it's been bottled for 3 weeks and I just had to try one.. It tastes great... Thanks for talking me out of pouring it away. :cheers:
  3. hb21l6

    Newbie error 2

    Ok,, I'll leave it going, & see what I get in a few weeks.. :pray:
  4. hb21l6

    Newbie error 2

    Don't worry.. I've learnt my lesson with this one... won't be doing that again..
  5. hb21l6

    Newbie error 2

    Sorry Bob, its "Wilkos Bruclens Cleaner and Steriliser " Sodium Percarbonte. It does say "avoid contact with Skin or eyes. If swallowed, seek medical advice!" - humm. safety first is telling me to bin this batch and start again... lol
  6. hb21l6

    Newbie error 2

    :rofl: I like your thinking Ian... :D I'm keeing it, and starting a bitter in the 2nd fv.
  7. hb21l6

    Newbie error 2

    I don't think I rinsed after sterilising the fv. Should I bin it now and start again? :wha:
  8. hb21l6

    newbie - last 3 brews taste like liquorice?

    (being a techy I'm keeping a close eye on it ) see link - www . home-drinkingbeer . com / beer . html ( sorry being a new user, I can't post URL's yet..
  9. hb21l6

    newbie - last 3 brews taste like liquorice?

    It says to keep the temp around 18 to 32 on the packet.. So far i've kept it at around 22-24.
  10. hb21l6

    newbie - last 3 brews taste like liquorice?

    Many thanks for the replies. I'll give them suggestions a go, ( for my next brew ) that PDF file looks interesting.. will keep that safe :) Regards Dave
  11. hb21l6

    newbie - last 3 brews taste like liquorice?

    Hello all, Im very new to brewing, but reading about everyone elses success just keeps bringing be back / trying it.. I have two fermenters, 1 heat belt, 1 keg ( with co2 caps ) and the usual hydrometer and stuff you get in a beginners kit. I've done 3 brews so far and each one have tasted like...
  12. hb21l6

    Hello from Hull

    Hi Dennis, ahh.. no problem :) hopefully, people don't think i'm spamming :nah: that wasn't my intention :) Ta Dave
  13. hb21l6

    Hello from Hull

    Hello all, I'm new to making homebrew.. I've made 3 in the past and they all tasted like liquorice :( After some reading on the t'internet I read that bacteria or too much heat can cause the brew to turn. so not knowing what I've done in the past, I've gone all belts and braces on my next one...