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  1. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Yea I second that. He has heen a great help and very informative. Just one thing. If im going to leave it a while by racking it to a secondary(more so to free up the DJ). Can I leave it in that for few weeks before bottling for carbonating or is there a time frame in which it should be...
  2. shevyshock

    Good evening from a newbie

    Welcome to the forum mate. Frkm another newbee :)
  3. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Il give it time. I will want it to turn out as good as it can be first time lol or as good as I can get it should I say :)
  4. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Excellent. So from what I understand so far. Once fermentation has completed in my DJ. Its safe to prime bottle and leave for 4 weeks. 2weeks warm 2 weeks cold. I read somewere that it carbonates better when cold. Would that be correct?
  5. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Say I wanted to prime bottles to carbonate it. The bottles I have for them are 900ml. Would a tea spoon of suger be sufficient enough for that or is that too much?
  6. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Will do then. Thanks for your help. Going to start this on friday when im not busy with work. Will post my results :)
  7. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    In the secondary after ive siphoned it away from the yeast sediment after primary fermenting has finished do I fill to almost the neck?
  8. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Thanks for the heads up. I think I read somewere about filling it to just below the nect of the DJ. Also before I start im going to calibrate it with duck tape per litre. When u say u top up do u just add water?
  9. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Thanks! Ive settled on a cider. Im definitely going to do this. Thanks for all you guys who forwarded input. Just one thing is it ok to add suger to boost the alcohol from a 5.5% to something a tiny bit higher. This isn't really an issue. Just curious.
  10. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Thanks, im definitely going to try this "cider". I will definitely be carbonating it. When u said "two weeks warm two weeks cold" would that be 2 weeks between 17-22 and 2 weeks in the fridge?
  11. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    No I wont be using natural ingredients yet, maybe just a kit. That said, I was checking out craigtube and watched him start a 1gallon batch of hard apple cider. Weather it is easy or not I do not know but he made it look so simple. I want to start of small at first and this hard apple cider...
  12. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Cheers for that buddy. Might actually take u up in that simply for the price as its a first brew. That way if I do f**k it uo it wont hurt me in the pocket that much although it will rip the heart from me lol I really only want to trial run the process so im sure im aware of what in doing before...
  13. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    So I see the finnings are used in the secondary to help clear the wine of its cloudiness. I was looking at the Alcotec Turbo Klar. Is this the sort of thing u mean? That was the first I hard heard about thay part of the process.
  14. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Il maybe check out the connoisseur kit for my first batch..... ive seen a few of them online. Like is said not really too fussy about what it is at the min. Just making sure that I can do it first. I'll more than likely have 1 class and give it to my wife and mother and let them drink it and...
  15. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Cheers buddy. I'll nip down to my local supermarket and grab one of those big plastic bottles of water with the handle. Cant wait to see the results. Im like a kid on Christmas day lol cant wait to get stuck in :) shall post results and maybe some pics of my work in progress. EDIT: Sorry if...
  16. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    White wine would be ok il take a look at those. Is it ok for primary fermenting in a demijohn? The kit I have is a 1gallon glass demijohn and bung with bubbler airlock. Sterilizer, hydrometer, thermometer 12" (spirit) and 4.5ltr auto syphon. im not sure what I should use to give it a good...
  17. shevyshock

    Another Newby!

    Hi mate. Welcome. I'm bew myself. Forum looks great doesn't it. There is a wealth of information and knowledge to be had.
  18. shevyshock

    Kits for 1 gallon glass demijohn

    Hey guys.... ive taken the plunge ans get myself some kit together to start my first homebrew. As im a new Brewer and this is my first brew, I wajt to be completely sure before I start. As far as I can see all the kits I have seen are for 5 gallon containers. Maybe im wrong and u just cant see...
  19. shevyshock

    New Brewer Here

    Thanks guys for the warm welcome. I look forward to getting tucked in :)
  20. shevyshock

    New Brewer Here

    Hi guys, just like to start of with saying great job with the forum, it looks excellent! I'm very new to brewing (2 weeks) and thats just how long ago the thought came into my head lol. I remembered watching my uncle brew his own wine and it used to just sit on his fireplace and bubble away for...