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  1. W

    Brewing in a bedroom?

    Plants only transform Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen during day, via their photosynthetic metabolic pathway. producing sugars for storage. At night, deprived from light, they transform the sugars into energy, through a process called respiration, which produces CO2. It's not safe having plants in...
  2. W

    BIAB questions...

    The guide you recommended threw a brick at my face right with its opening statement: "If you can make soup, you can brew fantastic craft beer at home." Despite being considered a very good cook by my college friends, mom and grandma (those two gotta count for something right?) soup is just not...
  3. W

    BIAB questions... ... 46078ef613 Is this what you meant John? I wonder if I could get one of those shipped to Portugal.
  4. W

    BIAB questions...

    Yeah i have a pair of FVs. just need to get a decent pot. Is stainless steel really necessary or is aluminium good enough? I've seen some tutorials of BIAB in which people would mash in the pot that would be used to boil the wort. The only disadvantage of that is the bad insulation, right?
  5. W

    Transporting damage - Took some home brew over seas

    Hey Steve where in Portugal are you at? I'm from Coimbra!
  6. W

    BIAB questions...

    Hey there brewers. So my first brew (a kit Ambar ale) has been conditioning for almost a week and my second (a kit wheat bear by brewferm) has been fermenting happily for the same amount of time. Good thing I'm midway through my semester finals at college and I don't have a lot of time to think...
  7. W


    I have barely no experience in this... Hell I haven't even tasted my first brew, but unless you didn't follow the instructions on the kit thoroughly specially those regarding the amount of sugar and water you must add to the extract I wouldn't worry much about it. Yeast are avid eaters and as...
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    Sediment In Beer

    You can't imagine how hard I laughed at this! I feel exactly the same way! I'm considering buying a new FV next week or so just so i cant stir my head away from diving into my recently bottled (January 7th) first brew any sooner than February. And bear in mind my second brew went straight to the...
  9. W

    Bottling Questions

    I've read that other people do not rinse their bottles, instead some claim to keep the bottles soaking in the oxy solution right untill the moment they are going to fill it. At that moment they shake the water out of it, fill it and cap it. Those individuals claim that is how they always done it...
  10. W

    Bottling Questions

    So, my first kit has been on the FV since DEC 17th and tomorrow I'm planning on bottling the ale. I'm reusing commercial 0.33cL beer bottles to condition my beer. To remove the labels and give them a first and thorough cleanse, after washing them with a high pressure hose, I left them in a tub...
  11. W

    Hey there! Greetings fron Portugal.

    Thank you all!
  12. W

    Hey there! Greetings fron Portugal.

    Thank You for the heads up mate. I read the topic you suggested and it has indeed a fantastical amount of information. I can't wait to get that beer brewing.
  13. W

    Hey there! Greetings fron Portugal.

    Hi everyone. My name's Willy, I am a 23yo PharmD student from Portugal. I recently became acquainted with the possibility of brewing my own beer at home using kits for that purpose. I think I'm really bug bitten and I am yet to brew my first batch. I'm currently waiting for my equipment and...