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  1. M

    second attempt

    thanks Gayle the instructions said add sugar to taste and i didnt put very much in (about half what they recomended as i dont like my wine to sweet) so just going to add a little bit more to see how it goes.. will let you all know how it goes
  2. M

    second attempt

    thanks bobsbeer, the first lot was drinkable just needed to be a bit sweeter. so im giving it another go and this time a little more sugar
  3. M

    my second brew

    ok this time im trying a yorkshire bitter. i hope this one works out as good as my first which for a first time brew was if i say so myself a damn good drink so fingers crossed. my next one will be made from raw ingredients rather than from a can
  4. M

    second attempt

    right this is my second attempt at strawberry wine (youngs) the first attempt was very nice but needed to be a little sweeter so trying again after all practice makes perfect. im also doing a peach wine (youngs as well) so fingers crossed all goes well
  5. M

    my strawberry wine

    my strawberry wine is bottled and ready to drink. oh and yes i have had a taste :cheers: very happy with the results
  6. M

    fingers crossed

    ok latest update and things are going great i have just bottled my chardonney and tried it good news is not only is it drinkable but a very nice drop of wine.. 10 more days and the strawberry wine will be ready. :cheers:
  7. M

    fingers crossed

    right back with an update i have just put the chadonnay has been put in a cool place as per instuctions to clear and bottle. and yes stevie 1556 it is from a kit as i have only just started with this whole brewing thing, however i think i will be making one from scrtach as soon as i have got the...
  8. M

    airlock question

    thanks guys i shall leave them on till i loose them
  9. M

    newbee needs a little help

    thank you moley i shall keep my beer a little longer before drinking. just to let you know im using a wilkinson's real ale starter kit (my first homebrew)
  10. M

    airlock question

    my airlock came with a red cap that i have fitted but my friend has said that i shouldnt have the cap on. please can someone help with this
  11. M

    newbee needs a little help

    if anyone can help i would be most gratefull, having tasted a friends first brew i noticed that at the bottom of the bottle there was a lot of sedement and was wondering if in the bottling process is there a way to eliminate the sedement or is it part and parcel of brewing from home?
  12. M

    fingers crossed

    right today i have started 2 wines a chadonnay and a strawberry wine these are the first of i hope many. shall keep you all informed of progress and taste
  13. M

    hi from norfolk

    hi one and all, as im new o home brewing i thought this place could be a good source of info to help me make some good beers and ales ray