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  1. P

    The dog has farted!

    Yes that's right, our poor Springer Rufus has taken the blame for my eggy smelling brew. Help! Coopers Sparkling Ale - using the kit yeast. Covering half of the top is an orangy 'skin' that looks a lot like the yeast cake you would get at the bottom of the FV and it STINKS :sick: :sick: of...
  2. P

    Woodfordes Nelsons Revenge Review

    This has just (30 mins ago) gone into the FV. Will post updates along the way!
  3. P

    Woodfordes Wherry Review

    LeedsBrewer - Had the EXACT same experience in a Sheffield Wilkinsons, with regards to the free bag of sugar. This was about 3 weeks back, so it appears they haven't made a nationwide change on taking the signs down. My Wherry has now been in the keg for nearly 2 weeks. I lost all pressure...
  4. P

    Woodfordes Wherry Review

    Got some Wherry on the go. Has been fermenting for 4 days now. 1016 gravity - relieved that it hasn't stuck at 1020 as many seem to report. Looking forward to sampling some!
  5. P

    Wilko pressure keg

    Hi again! Just wondering if anybody has tried these kegs? Mine has a small hole in the lid sealed with a plastic type substance, which doesn't seem to hold much pressure. I'm brewing ale, so massive amounts of co2 aren't necessary, but would you assume this is faulty? I'm on day 3 of...
  6. P

    About to brew my first. Questions!

    No. where would I find this? Thanks for all the other answers too. Very helpful! Edit: And during the first post and now. My equipment has arrived! Hoorah!
  7. P

    About to brew my first. Questions!

    Hi everyone! I am about to brew my first batch (Woodforde's Nelsons Revenge in case you're interested). I have a couple of questions. Firstly - Does the fermentation bin have to use an airlock? I purchased a fermenting vessel from Wilkinsons, it's 5 gallon and has no airlock at all...