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  1. Sausages

    Sodastream thread size

    I use a sodastream bottles connected to a CO2 regulator using an adaptor (its this one from Malt Miller) Had no issues with the first sodastream bottle on it at all. Just bought a second bottle and the damn thing doesn't work! The bottle screws onto the adaptor most of the way but jams up near...
  2. Sausages

    Equipment storage advise/tips

    I store all my kit in the loft when it's not in use, I don't have anywhere else for it to go. I have my plastic FV up there and all the other bits in a plastic box. Not had any issues yet, apart from having to shift everything up and down the ladder.
  3. Sausages

    Sausages brewing log

    So, last year (!) I got the wheat beer in the keg. First off I upgraded the keg washer with a CIP ball and cleaned the keg out. Got the FV strapped down to the water bath. This way the FV doesn't start to float away as it empties. Got the syphon in the FV, filled it with the syringe then...
  4. Sausages

    Sausages brewing log

    By way of an update, the Tinsel toes keg came out of the water bath a couple of weeks ago. As the wife was out on Saturday evening I did what anyone would do and used the free time to get another brew on. This one is a Mangrove Jacks Bavarian Wheat kit, got the contents plus 3litres of...
  5. Sausages

    Sausages brewing log

    steal away! only issue with it is condensation collects underneath the lid, which then dribbles down your trousers when you take the lid off and looks rather embarrassing. I did used to wrap the top of the FV in a scarf to hide the rather inaccurate hole thats been cut, and to keep the heat...
  6. Sausages

    Sausages brewing log

    Hello all, been meaning to start a brew thread for a bit and since I've got one on the go at the moment it seemed a good time to start. Thought it would be good to log what I'm up to and be an opportunity for you lot to spot any mistakes I'm making! So to start the thread I'm doing a...
  7. Sausages

    Keg heating

    Thanks for confirming it would work. I have pretty much taken over the utility room with brewing kit, I think any further incursions into the house would be frowned upon! PS not sure who to thank for the avatar that's appeared on my profile but I like it!
  8. Sausages

    Keg heating

    I brew kits in a 25L youngs plastic fermentor which then get put in a corny keg (mostly, I bottle whats left over). I don't have space for a brew fridge so tend to brew in the cooler months when I only have to worry about keeping things warm. To do that I sit the fermentor in a water bath to...
  9. Sausages

    Drying plastic bottles

    I cleaned a batch of bottles at the weekend and left them draining, inverted, in my drying rack. The glass ones are now dry and have been packed away, the plastic ones I use still have lots of small water drops inside that are not draining out. They're the brown Coopers PET bottles. Are there...
  10. Sausages

    ChemClean shelf life

    confirmed what i suspected, have disposed of whats left!
  11. Sausages

    Muntons Flagship Milk Stout

    this is interesting. I did this kit last year, started at 1.050 and stopped at 1.020 (as in no airlock activity and constant gravity readings over a few days). Thought it was stuck so racked and re-pitched more yeast, eventually ended up at 1.018. Was in the FV ages with all the messing...
  12. Sausages

    ChemClean shelf life

    Just been cleaning out my keg tap and accidently made up twice the amount of ChemClean than I intended! I've got a litre or so in a jug, does any one know if it goes off? The packaging doesn't say either way. I could use it to flush the lines again next week if it'll keep.
  13. Sausages

    My new toy!

    Received mine today :cool: the pole seems ok after a quick play with it ( wink...) but it'll be next week before I get time to put any cleaner through it. The mix of parallel and taper thread fittings is a little triggering but sure it'll work based on everyones experience. Got to remember it's...
  14. Sausages

    How much fruit to litre ratio?

    interesting, thanks!
  15. Sausages

    How much fruit to litre ratio?

    I added about 1.6kg of blackberries to a 23L Woodfordes Nog kit. Quantity based on the amount I'd picked, and checking a few other threads on here to confirm I was in the right ballpark. I froze them, defrosted and mashed them up before adding them to secondary fermentation. I should have put...
  16. Sausages

    My new toy!

    Nice! I was thinking of making something similar with a bucket and a pond pump, but this seems comparable on price with what I had in mind. May have to invest in one!
  17. Sausages

    Blackberries, sanity check

    Thanks for the advice. I like the point about freezing/thawing a few times, that should help break the fruit up I guess? To update this, once defrosted I mashed the berries up as they were mostly still intact and I wasn't sure they would all fully break down in the brew. I heated them up to...
  18. Sausages

    Welding Courses

    For patching up car metalwork you'll be wanting to MIG weld (aka GMAW). You can TIG (GTAW) thin metal but it's generally not practical on cars, and can be more expensive to get set up with. Stick/arc (SMAW) welding is generally only suited for thicker metal than you'd have on car bodywork. I...
  19. Sausages

    Blackberries, sanity check

    I have a 40 pint porter kit in the FV at the moment, just finishing primary fermentation. The plan this weekend is to rack to a second FV and add some blackberries. I have about 2kg of berries which were picked from the garden, washed and frozen last year. From reading around that should be...
  20. Sausages

    Using up treacle

    I've been making a Christmas cake today which involves using a little bit of treacle. Rather than leaving the rest of the tin languishing in the cupboard, as usually happens, I'm thinking I should instead use it to brew something! I just do kit beers, so thinking i could use treacle in place...