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  1. M

    Dreaded glug

    Hello everyone.... My beer was carbonated fine...ive bought a new fridge for my barrel and have cooled it for a few days... When I pulled a pint, I got the dreaded glug, tried to top up with some gas and the co2 was hissing straight out the safety valve... So it's telling me there's enough co2...
  2. M


    OK..... I will keep an eye out 👍..
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  4. M


    Hello.. I have just had my first taste of my first part grain kit... It tastes OK but it has very little carbonation and little head retention. Out of curiosity I tried to inject some co2 into my keg but the release valve kicked in and no co2 went into my keg... So it's obviously full of co2...
  5. M


    Hello.. I have just done my first part grain kit, it has been conditioning for 3 weeks and I had my first taste yesterday... Not to bad of a taste but quite flat and poor head retention, I am still quite new to brewing so out of curiosity I thought I would inject some co2 into it to try and...
  6. M

    All grain kits.

    Much appreciated.. I will dive in.. 👍
  7. M

    All grain kits.

    Hello everyone. I am wanting to give the all grain kits ago... Will the kit below allow me to make them or are they just for part grain kits. And is there anything else you recommend I get before I start. Much aporeciated
  8. M

    Hop pellets

    Brilliant... I was going to do 2 weeks fermentation.. 2 weeks carb 2 weeks conditioning will take advice about adding the pellets 3 days before... Much appreciated 👍
  9. M

    Hop pellets

    Hello... Quite new to brewing and I've started a festival kit, golden glory, according to the instructions I pop my hop pellets in after 5 days... Is this not a bit risky to open the lid and expose the brew to air.? Any help would be much appreciated..
  10. M

    Festival ale hop pellets

    I am doing a golden stag now... Quite new to brewing, I am a bit tentative about opening the lid after 5 days, is this not a bit risky with air getting in?
  11. M

    First time brewer

    That's much appreciated I will give it a blast . Thanks again 👍
  12. M

    First time brewer

    Hello ..just on the back of this , I am also a relatively new brewer , my Norfolk Nog fermented perfect I got a gravity reading of 1014 , I added the priming auger , left it in a warm place for 10 days, I then transferred to the shed for 2 weeks , we have had freezing cold weather in that time ...