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  1. Wardyblade

    Vik Beer: Superior Beer Kit

    Some good advice to a newbie. Thanks fellas. I'll stick with it 👍
  2. Wardyblade

    Vik Beer: Superior Beer Kit

    In your opinion should I wait a bit longer to see if the FG gets down to the stated 1000 before secondly fermentation and barrelling? (I'm still new to this so happy to take any advice). At the moment it's ABV is under 3%.
  3. Wardyblade

    Vik Beer: Superior Beer Kit

    We'll anyways, an update. Sadly this beer has died on me. It was incredibly active and gave a huge froth on the first day then its given up the ghost. I suspect a significant amount of the yeast ended up in the scummy froth rim at the top of the bucket, also, It might have gotten a bit warm on...
  4. Wardyblade

    Vik Beer: Superior Beer Kit

    Hoping for a bit of advice from anyone who's had success with this beer kit... On the instructions it outlines a typical first stage fermentation in the FB of about 5-7 days. It then says to transfer to the keg which is fine. The bit I'd...
  5. Wardyblade

    Constant co2 feed. Advice needed

    No reason other than I wanted to use a food grade hose. The bike pump option just seems a bit of a botch job and not a long term solution. Just personal opinion really. The 4" caps and valves I have seen good quality. They tend to use rubber seals not the thin rubber band release. I'm hoping...
  6. Wardyblade

    Constant co2 feed. Advice needed

    Just thought I'd share my solution in case anyone else has the same KingKegs and s30 connection issue. So from the soda stream bottle, I'm using this regulator... This one also works but the low price from darkfarm persuaded me...
  7. Wardyblade

    Constant co2 feed. Advice needed

    Hi there. That's the idea. My concern is that's for a Corny keg which I presume has a different fitting? If anyone has experience of this with an s30 or Schrader fitting like mine id be interested in knowing? Ideally a dual option as well instead of a single one.
  8. Wardyblade

    Constant co2 feed. Advice needed

    Hi there. I've tried to find the answer to this on the forum but I can't quite find exactly what I need to work with my kegs (To be honest I've looked at so many options I'm starting to confuse myself). So I have 2 KingKegs from Balliihoo (4" Barrel cap with S30 Injection valve and Schrader...