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  1. D

    weak and flat beer

    Hey, not sure what strike temperature is :wha: but as per the recipe i followed the o.g was 1040 and when the f.g was taken it was 1010 or thereabouts
  2. D

    weak and flat beer

    Hi peeps, Just finished brewing my first ale from scratch, the result after three weeks is an ale of a non descript taste and completely flat, almost watery. I have now brewed two kit based lagers and the results have been pleasing but this one i am about to ditch and start over, but before i do...
  3. D

    new member

    Hi all, my names daniel and i live and work in bath somerset. I have currently brewed three batches of beer, 2 kits and the latest an attempt at fresh brewing. Im a head chef and an avid beer drinker and would like to share the knowledge! :thumb: