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  1. R

    Hello from a sunny yet nippy Birmingham

    Sounds like I did everything wrong with the glass demijohns then? I have some 1 gal water containers from Asda now so will adapt them and start again with the wine. Excellent, I do a lot of work in Wolverhampton and keep saying I will go to the chase more. So yeah quite near.
  2. R

    Need help. Barrel leaking – I don’t know what to do.

    Thanks all for the replies and helpful. Unfortunately about an hour after posting this I had to go away with work so had to leave it with tape on. It seemed to do the job for a bit but then started leaking again. I think it was a case of over tightening and buckling/forcing the o-ring out of...
  3. R

    Need help. Barrel leaking – I don’t know what to do.

    Can anyone advise me on what best to do? I have a barrel, well half a barrel full of Cooper’s draught (the rest went into bottles); it had been in there on secondary fermentation for about 5 or 6 days. I woke up this morning and noticed a puddle on the floor. It looks like the seal at the tap...
  4. R

    Recommendations for summer fruit cider kits or adapting kits

    Nice one. I was thinking of just buying a load of her favourite fruit juice, mix it up and throw in some yeast. Do you recon doing it like a wine would be better, so with a wine yeast? Is cider like beer, primary fermentation, and then secondary in a bottle? Would that need a yeast nutrient or...
  5. R

    first brew bottled!

    I know my girlfriend hates it, she thinks I’m becoming obsessed, Well done. I’ve just done my first bottling too (coopers draught). Can’t wait to taste it!!!
  6. R

    New Member

    From another newbie welcome :cheers:
  7. R

    Afternoon all!

    From another newbie welcome :cheers:
  8. R

    Is there a way to bottle clear, carbonated beer/lager?

    The video was helpful thank you. It looks like I’m going to need to get some equipment to do this. Santa could be busy this year.
  9. R

    Recommendations for summer fruit cider kits or adapting kits

    Thanks for all the advice; I'm going to have a look into some of those. Do you know anywhere that I could get information on how to treat what preservatives and then what’s the best yeast to use or is it a bit of a trial and error thing?
  10. R

    Coopers Ox-Bar bottles, anyone got experience with these?

    Thanks for the advice. I'm getting everyone I know to save me their bottles and check their locals. Plus I’ve just bought a bottle capper it would seem a waste not to give it more use.
  11. R

    Recommendations for summer fruit cider kits or adapting kits

    Does TC stand for turbo cider, and is this just making cider with apple juice, sugar and yeast. Does cider, and in turn alco-pops follow the same brewing method as beer? And could i literally add the right type of yeast to anything with sugar to get an alcoholic version. Iron brew for example to...
  12. R

    Recommendations for summer fruit cider kits or adapting kits

    Sorry if this has been covered before, but I couldn’t find anything on the search. My girlfriend doesn’t like me taking up the spare room for home brewing; she says it takes up vital wardrobe space. (How many wardrobes do girls need.) So to keep her sweet I wanted to brew her a drink she...
  13. R

    Is there a way to bottle clear, carbonated beer/lager?

    Well to answer your questions Snail, no, no and no, i have only the basics for brewing; a fermentation bucket, a pressure barrel, a hydrometer, a spoon, some airlocks, the basic stuff really. I am also a bit poor at the moment so buying a kegerator isn’t an option, and a Bottle gun for what...
  14. R

    Recommend me a lager kit

    Thank you for the information, so when pitching the yeast is it best to sprinkle on top of the wort and let gravity and nature do the rest or give it a good stir to mix . Also is there anywhere that will tell you what temperatures, amount of sugars/liquid to be mixed with (or amount of yeast to...
  15. R

    Hello from a sunny yet nippy Birmingham

    Good good sounds like I’m in the right place then. Thanks for all the welcomes and thanks in advance for all the help I'm going to get, I'm going to need it. :cheers:
  16. R

    Rotating bottle caps -please help

    Indeed, well they're away and not being played with now. I marked the bottles when I put them away and will see if there’s any difference in the end result. Thanks for the help guys.
  17. R

    Coopers Ox-Bar bottles, anyone got experience with these?

    I was trying to make a decision about bottling & kegging etc etc, and have been trying to sum up the best bottles to use. I hear glass is best because or permeability and can hold beer for a long time without spoil, but they’re hard to get hold of cheap. (A pub near me said they wouldn’t...
  18. R

    Is there a way to bottle clear, carbonated beer/lager?

    I want to show my friends I am not crazy and that brewing your own beer isn’t just for cheap skates, it’s a good hobby and you can get very nice beer out of it at the end. Their views are very distorted on the matter. So my question today is, is there any way of bottling a nice, clear, ready...
  19. R

    Recommend me a lager kit

    A note on the Coopers Draught, it's a Bitter and a very nice bitter so if you don't like bitter be in for a disappointing brew. Hollow legs they lied to me, however I do like a bitter so it will be a good excuse to get another brew on the go and quick. Eric it was probably my brewing, it was...