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  1. ale_crowe_holic

    What did you brew today?

    Cheers. This seems to be the general consensus elsewhere.
  2. ale_crowe_holic

    What did you brew today?

    So to update on this... Tested the gravity today and it's showing to be around 8.4% but it's still bubbling away. I've added the hops and I was hoping to bottle on Saturday. This might not happen now as I've been informed that I might be travelling for work tomorrow night! Do I 1: leave it...
  3. ale_crowe_holic

    Blow off tube.

    Brilliant, cheers.. I've done it like this before but I've seen someone say it needs to be sealed and thought I'd check 😅 It's bubbling away quite nicely on its first full day of fermentation.
  4. ale_crowe_holic

    Blow off tube.

    Sorry if this has been discussed before. My fridge doesn't allow for a traditional airlock so I've used a bit of tube going to some boiled and cooled water in a sterilised bottle. Is the tube too long? Should it be a sealed connection to the bottle? It looks like some of the foam has travelled...
  5. ale_crowe_holic

    Batch priming method

    Calculate how much you need for your level or carbonation and dissolve it in some hot water prior to putting it into your bucket. I've done this before and never had an issue. Others might have a different way. I usually go around 120g of dextrose in 200ml of hot water. I've always gone...
  6. ale_crowe_holic

    What did you brew today?

    Made 16ltr of the Mangrove Jacks Belgian Tripel yesterday. Starting gravity of 1.074/5. Pitched the 20g sachet of the kit yeast at 25°c and will meet it at that temp for 7 days before adding the Kit hops. Instructions say it's best to ferment between 24&28°c. I've never made a Belgian Tripel...
  7. ale_crowe_holic

    Low Alcohol & Low Calorie

    I've been cutting my big beers for a bit, I'm attempting to do dry Jan and a bit more until I go to Cornwall in Feb half term. Then I'll get to a few local breweries (and hope that St Austell have Big job in stock) Big Mash Gang fan. They are trying some really good stuff and on all honesty...
  8. ale_crowe_holic

    Good deal on Klarstein 65l?

    No, I didn't bother in the end. Read that they don't do spare parts and people have had issues with various things failing.
  9. ale_crowe_holic

    Good deal on Klarstein 65l?

    That's a great deal. I'm still considering what to go for after returning my Grainfather.
  10. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Just the one tonight.
  11. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    From 0.5 to 8.4% 😂 This is what I want my beers to come out like. Hasn't happened so far 🙄
  12. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Non alcohol to start with. Very good (as usual )from Mash Gang.
  13. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    New brewery for me tonight. Brass castle, new England style IPA, 7.4%. Followed by one of my own. Still got head retention after 10 minutes of being poured from a clear bottle.
  14. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Polly's from M&S.
  15. ale_crowe_holic

    Help please with bottle bombs.

    Have you bottled them all in the same bottles? I've had mixed results depending on what bottle I've opened. I've got clear and brown flip tops and the clear ones seemed more lively than the browns. I've also capped old brown bottles which have been fine. All stored in the same location, batch...
  16. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    I'm weak and I've had a ***** day in work so cracked a home brew open. Had issues with this from the get go but it's drinkable. Some bottles pour absolutely fine and leave a decent head, although it doesn't last, some, once you pop them open decide they want to mix everything together (lot of...
  17. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    I've got one of those, possibly for Sunday. Trying to be good in the week.
  18. ale_crowe_holic

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    Inbev wanted mine back 😂 Had my refund so I'm just now debating on what to get instead. I'm not sure if the Brewzilla 3.1.1 is going to be it, I need to do a bit more research on what the upgrade to 4 is and if I will actually need it. The 3.1.1 is a fairly good price at the moment.
  19. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Home brew tonight. Originally poured like this. Added the hop juice and it finished like this.
  20. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Love a Track gold top.