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  1. ceejam

    Brew No.6 - Mexican Cerveza

    I brewed this up a few weeks ago (13/04/2011) but didn't have a chance to post on here. I used the Cooper's kit, 1kG of Munton's BKE & 400g white sugar to get a starting gravity of 1045. I used the kits yeast, which is a mix of lager & ale yeast, and used my new aquarium heater to control...
  2. ceejam

    Cheeky Vimto

    I've just done a 2nd batch of this, added a little less sugar to get a starting gravity of 1050, and finished at 1002, so around 6.5% Here's some pics
  3. ceejam

    Brew No.5 - Cooper's Sparkling Ale with added hops

    Well, this is a cracking beer, lots of hop flavour, but not as much aroma as I had hoped. Here's a couple of piccies. I've named it Becx Bier, as it was brewed for my wife and that's her (shortened) name :whistle: I think I'll have anotehr crack at a Schiehallion clone, maybe using a...
  4. ceejam

    Brew No.4 - Black Rock Nut Brown Ale

    Well I have been a bit busy over the last few weeks, but got a chance to upload and post some pics of this one. Guess which is a Famous (Newcastle) Brown Ale and which is Homebrew ;) :cheers: Pic 1 Pic 2 All gone, other than one bottle, but will be trying it again!
  5. ceejam

    5 Lt Mini Kegs on the move

    I've got a stack of 5lt kegs, as my local Micro, Stewart Brewing sells their beers in them. I found I could get new bungs, so bought some of them for keeping homebrew fresh. I sanitise them, prime them as per bottles, and secondary ferment in the Mini kegs. Yes you need to leave them to settle...
  6. ceejam

    Brew No.5 - Cooper's Sparkling Ale with added hops

    Well, I've just bottled / kegged this today. I got a load if hops from Worcester Hop Shop, so I added 50g of Hersbrucker (the hops used in Schiehallion) in a Muslin bag after a week of fermentation. This Hop sock has been in for a week, and after various wee samples over the last week, it...
  7. ceejam

    Brew No.5 - Cooper's Sparkling Ale with added hops

    After my Wife quite liking the Sparkling Ale I did, but really liking Harviestoun's Schiehallion, I decided to try and do something a bit closer. I'm not sure that the Sparkling Ale is the best base to mess around with, but it was in stock at my LHBS, and I'd done it before. I used the can...
  8. ceejam

    Brew No.4 - Black Rock Nut Brown Ale

    Got this into Mini kegs this afternoon (got another 5 from my mate last night, so got enough for 2 brews now!) Did a couple of bottles aswell. Came down to 1010 final gravity, and I'm loving this already - Think the Nottingham yeast may be getting used again with some of the Cooper's kits I've...
  9. ceejam

    Brew No.4 - Black Rock Nut Brown Ale

    The first kit I did was Cooper's English Bitter, which was rather tasty. I've never actually tried Newcy brown, but I've been tempted recently to try one compared with this brew. I'm only 30, so not an old man, but took advice for this one from Davie Martin @ Edina Homebrew, and I think he'd...
  10. ceejam

    Brew No.4 - Black Rock Nut Brown Ale

    Just drawn off a sample with my new oil baster (£1.50 in Tesco) and Hydrometer says 1012, which isn't bad for 5 days work. Tastes pretty good too, will leave it until at least Thursday to let the yeasties clear it a bit.
  11. ceejam

    Cheeky Vimto

    Just taken a sample of cheeky vimto and hydrometer says 1070, which hasn't moved much since Wednesday's 1080! It has looked like the yeast has been doing it's thing, quite fascinating to watch at times, so thinking I should just let it be and keep an eye on the temp? Tempted to warm up the...
  12. ceejam

    Cheeky Vimto

    I've just made a batch of this, after a successful Ginger Beer a week and a half ago, and my sister drinking the Blue WKD and Port version a few weeks ago. So 4.5L 1L of Vimto boiled for 20 mins (reduced to 700ml after boil) 350g of Cane sugar added for last 10 mins of boil 3.8L LIDL Apple...
  13. ceejam

    Brew No.4 - Black Rock Nut Brown Ale

    Well after a rubbish day at work, I popped into my LHBS on the way home and picked up some Nottingham yeast to go with the Nut Brown Ale kit I got a couple of weeks ago. So, I got this on the go tonight after putting my Daughter to bed and my wife going out. Did the usual sterilising etc, and...
  14. ceejam

    Fiery Ginger Beer - First non kit brew!

    Don't know. I just bought an airlock, drilled the lid and use blu tack tro seal the airlock to the lid :D I bottled the Ginger Beer tonight - was rather dry, so I've added some caster sugar, and keeping an eye on the bottle pressure (empty coke bottles, so can squeeze them and release...
  15. ceejam

    Cooper's Irish Stout (Brew #3)

    Well, after 2 weeks in the FV I kegged / bottled this tonight. FG was 1010, so ABV is 4.02%, which seems OK. I boiled up about a pint with 180g of Demerarra sugar, while syphoning the rest into my Rotokeg (aqcuired from my father-in-law, cleaned & resealed). I added the wort/demerarra syrup...
  16. ceejam

    Fiery Ginger Beer - First non kit brew!

    Well, not sure if it's the champagne yeast, or too much lemon juice, but there is no gingr aroma or taste, just the heat at the back of the throat. I added 3 teaspoons of sugar to a 100ml sample, and it tasted much better, so guessing I need to "back sweeten" - with sugar or sweetener? Anyway...
  17. ceejam

    Cooper Irish Stout/ Dry Malt Extract?

    I've got this in the FV at the moment. I used 1kg of Munton's Beer kit Enhancer, which is half n half light dry malt & sugar. Figure the extra sugar will give a little more alcohol, and seemed easier :thumb: I'm hoping to bottle/keg it in the next few days.
  18. ceejam

    Fiery Ginger Beer - First non kit brew!

    Well after 3 kit beers I had been looking at ginger beer, so tonight I got on with a brew. I adapted the "Fiery Ginger Beer" recipe from viewtopic.php?f=39&t=5982&start=0&hilit=fiery+ginger Fiery Ginger Beer - 1 gallon 300g Fresh grated ginger 1tsp Dried ground ginger 2 lemons 600g Demerarra...
  19. ceejam

    Brew Number 2 - Cooper's Sparkling Ale

    Well, after a false start the other week (put it out into the garage after 3 days in the kitchen) and then bringing it back in for a week. I have had it back in the garage for a couple of days and enjoyed a few pints out of the Mini kegs tonight. Still clearing a bit, but tastes luverly...
  20. ceejam

    Complete beginner in edinburgh

    Welcome Shug. I'm in Edinburgh too, and just got my 3rd kit in the FV at the moment. i got a starter kit for Christmas, found this forum and have bought all of my other bits and pieces from Davie Martin @ Edina homebrew, just off Easter Road. Lots of good advice on here, and more to be had...