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  1. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    Well, after trying Clibit's suggestion for an all grain stovetop brew, I was delighted with the results! I went into my LHBS yesterday ( and opened a grain account. Basically you buy a 25kg sack of grain and can then 'call-off' of that 25kg in any quantity or variety you...
  2. ceejam

    Have a go at simple AG

    Having a taste, very good! Not the clearest beer I've made, but no finings used & not sure I got a good hot break. I tipped everything (except hops) from the boil into the DJ too, do you normally try and leave the real true in the boiling pot? My 15L el cheapo pot arrived too, but no time to...
  3. ceejam

    Have a go at simple AG

    Oh yes & yes. After 9 days it tastes better than some kit brews after 9 weeks!! Ready to bottle, cleared quite well from where it started! This is the dregs with a bit of yeast, alongside a Cooper's Mexica Cerveza I made last year. 8 500ml bottles now conditioning!
  4. ceejam

    Have a go at simple AG

    Well I checked the FG today as it looked like fermentation had slowed. Looks like 1010, which given the 1050 starting gravity makes it around 5.3%. I used US-05, which went off like a rocket. The sample tasted good - better than other samples I've had at this stage! Think I'll get it bottled...
  5. ceejam

    Have a go at simple AG

    I just did my first AG brew this afternoon, after being inspired by this post and getting the ingredients a few weeks ago! I had 1kg of Marris Otter, and used 5g if Galena for bittering (came across it as a Cascade alternative last year) and 10g of Cascade as flavour hop. Had a bit of fun...
  6. ceejam

    Hoegarden Bottles

    Are they not the 29mm caps, same as champagne bottles, that can be bought & fitted using a bench capper?
  7. ceejam

    First one back into it - Black IPA

    Well, after a week in the warm and a few hours out into the garage, the first pint is going down rather well!
  8. ceejam

    First one back into it - Black IPA

    So, after two weeks the gravity had settled at 1012ish, so I bottled this on Saturday with my little helper. 38 bottles of loveliness in less than an hiur, thanks to batch priming, starsan, bottle tree & bottling stick!
  9. ceejam

    Supporting membership

    All forums have running costs, the more popular the more server space and the higher the cost. Some of the other forums you use may be funded by an individual or team of people without it ever being known. I know a few car forums I'm on have had situations where the original founder decided...
  10. ceejam

    First one back into it - Black IPA

    LOL! PMSL!! What a typo that was!
  11. ceejam

    First one back into it - Black IPA

    So, a week later and the gravity is down to 1014, so I sterilised another FV and syphoned the beer into it. I took a few litres and brought to the boil, then added 30g of Columbus in a Muslim hop sock and steeped for 10mins. Added this back into the FV and it smells lovely now! I've also made...
  12. ceejam

    First one back into it - Black IPA

    After a wee break in home brewing, I'm back at it! I got a voucher for Craft Beer Kitchen for my birthday, so brewed a Red IPA, which is really quite tasty & got me thinking about brewing again! I sorted through my bottles and gave a few...
  13. ceejam

    Brown bottles in Edinburgh (swap for beer)

    Hi folks, Not been on here for a while as I haven't been doing kick brewing. I'm going to get a brew on this week, but need to clear some space in my garage. I have over 300 bottles, all brown, rinsed and drained. Mostly 500ml, but a few boxes of smaller ones. I want these to go and be used...
  14. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2013?

    4.5 gallons of Coopers Mexican Cerveza Total 3764.5 gallons
  15. ceejam

    Black IPA with a kit

    Yes, I didn't wand a lot of bittering, so did 15 mins to extract flavour.
  16. ceejam

    Black IPA with a kit

    I did a black IPA using a better brew kit, light DME, 250g carafa special black malt cold steeped for 8 hours in a litre of water. I boiled the black malt water with 30g of cascade for 15mins & then dry hopped with another 30g Cascade after primary fermentation. Turned out pretty good!
  17. ceejam

    Gluten free strawberry blond new brews

    Well, after being rather busy over the last few weeks I bottled this last night. It smells very sweet, strawberry candy floss like, but tastes like strawberry beer. The sediment was rather liquid, so got a fair amount into the first & last bottles. The ones in between look fairly clear, so we...
  18. ceejam

    Cascadian Black IPA

    70g of hops wouldn't fit in the muslin 'hop sock' I've got. I did consider using 50g in the boil and the remainder as a dry hop, but 30+30 seems to work ok.
  19. ceejam

    Cascadian Black IPA

    :cheers: Thanks for the feedback GA.
  20. ceejam

    Cascadian Black IPA

    Here's a picture -