I have been looking at using Sonoff to control the lighting and other things in the house using the house Wifi. Whilst looking at the different products they make, i see they make a temperature controlled switch and the temperature probe is water proof - which could go straight in the brew...
I have heard many people say how good a Lager made with all Ashbeck Water is! Recently i have made Bohemium Pils (wyeast 2124) with 10l of Ashbeck to 22l of my tap water. 10l is perfect for my water to bring the Calcium down to 50ppm which i havent adjusted - i just adjust the KH. I have also...
I use a v2 Brew Devil and i am keen to get a better understanding of my actual Mash temperature - rather than the temperature of the wort as it flows over the temperature sensor in the bottom of the boiler. I use a k type thermocouple with a stainless probe for checking boiling temps etc...
Do you think lowering the ph of the sparge water un-necessarily has any effect on efficiency? Why do you use Lactic over AMS - is there a flavour difference?
For my Bohemian Pilsner, when i added 10l of Ashbeck to 22l of my tap water the Calcium luckily measured out at exactly 50ppm. KH was 102ppm so i brought back the 32l to 20ppm with 13ml of AMS(CRS). Yeast was a Wyeast 2124 starter for the first brew with the second brew being racked straight on...
Thanks foxbat/divrack. Lagers are a relatively new departure for me and i have a party in a months time and was hoping to be able to serve a great clear lager. I will drop my lagering freezer to 0c. It tastes great so if it doesn't clear i will tell them it is Kellerbier and is meant to be...
I have made two Bohemian Pilsners from Greg Hughes' book. One four weeks ago and one i have just kegged - both conditioning at 3c. Both are hazy - protein haze i guess as they both clear on warming. I used 10l of Ashbeck plus 22l tap water so Calcium was about 50ppm. I guessed that they...
Brewing the Bohemian Pilsner from Greg Hughes Book with Wyeast 2124 @ 12c. Its 3 days in with 40%+ attenuation. I now have to go away for a week. It will be day 10 of fermentation before i can raise temp and it may have stopped. Is it then too late to raise temperature, or should i raise and...
I am sure that this has been asked many times. If i have a recipe that calls for Saaz at 4.2% and i have Saaz at 2.4%, is it as simple as using the direct ratio, and using 1.75 * the weight, or are there other factors at play here?
Ok thats sorted then. 1/2 a protofloc instead of a whole one, remove the outlet filter, as i use a hop spider and prop the boiler up on a piece of angle iron to avoid copyright issues. Roll on next brew day!! Thanks
Just done my 5th brew in my Brew Devil. Each time, i have used protofloc 10-15 mins before end of the boil. I get heavy coagulation during the old break and this in turn clogs the filter on the drain tap as i empty to fermenter. Am i using too much protofloc (1 tablet) or does everyone else...
A great link - definitely need to read a second time to get it all to sink in. On Dads-Ale's system I assume the "flying saucer" is an LPG regulator. I guess these are non adjustable and just happen to give the correct pressure!!