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  1. Isolec82


    Have a trawl around the internet. From what i can see it is unlikely to be this side of xmas. There is a legal dispute going on as to who owns the rights and i cant see anything being launched before it is resolved. It looks as though FS1 is being made by a different company to the one...
  2. Isolec82


    Spunding valve on order. My first totally airless, pressurised ferment and pressurised transfer to keg will take place this week with an Octoberfest Lager. Can't wait!!
  3. Isolec82


    How do you control the pressure as the pressure increases during fermentation. All I can see is the Safety valve in the cap!
  4. Isolec82


    Ordered mine yesterday (Friday) with pressure lid. I use a 30l Brew Devil and always seem to end up with a load of trub - it blocks all the filters, despite whirlpool - so now leave them out and dump all to FV. It will be great to let it settle and dump out of the bottom before pitching yeast...
  5. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    I think if you are reasonably practical and can solder, construction is not a problem. It is certainly cheaper to build and i believe by constructing and understanding i have a greater awareness of its shortcomings. i currently have it in a brew, that i have not disturbed. is approx 60%...
  6. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    i have a 2600mAh battery in mine and talking every 120 seconds it will last 15 days plus. Whilst my internet perhaps goes down occasionally the odds of my wifi going down is about the same or probably less than the ispindel going down. I brew a lot of lagers which i start cold and bring...
  7. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    Because all the yeast and rubbish gets stuck on and around the lid, i always like to remove the lid to clean into the first part of the tread. Maybe unnecessary paranoia, but as i am removing the lid it might as well plug it in. Not sure i see the need for going wireless. Has anybody...
  8. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    Yes as close as could get it, perhaps 5mm from the absolute end. I am not at home at the moment but from memory, angle from vertical was about 19 degrees in pure water.
  9. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    Should have said 1058
  10. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    I used 2*2p coins to balance mine. Cant remember what the weight but is easily checked. It is also necessary to give it a horizontal reference. I hadn't realised until recently. You have to set horizontally and do a different calibrate - taking care that the lip below the screwtop doesn't...
  11. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    That's better. Reasonable readings now. Brew an Octoberfest tomorrow and try it in anger. Just need to work out how to integrate the ispindle temp reading into a brewpi for a fermentation controller - Next week!!
  12. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    I assume it is the degree 2 value that is put into the ispinel. What is the degree 3?
  13. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    I will give it a go and report back.
  14. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    Does anyone who understands these thing reckon this graph looks ok? It is over 40 years since i did any serious maths. This my 3rd attempt at calibration and i just cannot seem to get it right! If you extrapolate the curve on down it would appear to have a value of 4 plato for pure water and...
  15. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    Ive just noticed it is reporting a rssi of -80 dBm. So it is not getting a good signal. Moved the router and have it talking again. Perhaps i should've connect direct to the spindel for calibration - one less thing to go wrong!
  16. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    Hi pottsworth, i too built a 3d mechatronics one and it was all fine other than the flashing of the software. For some reason it wouldnt - load after scores of attempts, i tried an earlier version and it loaded. After that i was able easily to ugrade to the latest. I am mid calibration at the...
  17. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    I built this back in October. At the time i was making cider so calibrated it in a cider. When i then went to use in a beer, it was miles out. I put this down to the fact that there was no krausen to have an effect on it. Have recently re-calibrated in a bitter but hence my question as to...
  18. Isolec82

    iSpindel - digital WiFi hydrometer

    My Ispindel is up and running now. I calibrated it in bitter. Has any one bothered to calibrate it for both top and bottom fermenting beers. I am sort of thinking that the krausen is quite different for lager and bitter styles or am i just over thinking this!
  19. Isolec82

    Sonoff Wifi Control of fermentation fridge

    I am often away from home and would like to ramp up fermentation of lagers over time.