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  1. Crystal_Ball

    Malt Miller?

    DPD usually send a notification to the receiver that a consignment isn’t due to be delivered. You then usually get the option to change the delivery day by at least one day if required. This is all dependant on the sender putting the receivers details into the DPD system.
  2. Crystal_Ball

    Building a dedicated brewing space in my garden...

    Will be very interested to see/hear how well this extraction works as I’d like to move out of the kitchen when brewing.
  3. Crystal_Ball

    Building a dedicated brewing space in my garden...

    This may help....... but doesn’t necessarily give the answers......
  4. Crystal_Ball

    Building a dedicated brewing space in my garden...

    What are you planning for ventilation?
  5. Crystal_Ball

    Braumeister 20L short malt pipe

    Is this still available as I might be interested? Do you just half quantities with recipes? Any ideas on postage costs?
  6. Crystal_Ball

    White Labs WLP380

    Just got myself a vial of this yeast. How did your beer turn out? Do you still have the recipe?
  7. Crystal_Ball

    FAO Grainfather Users, Re. Underletting?

    I start with 23L the majority of the time too. Last brew I measured the end of the sparge run off and it was 1.020 so my thoughts were that I could of extracted more from a bigger sparge?? I hit my target SG, but was using freshly crushed grains.
  8. Crystal_Ball

    FAO Grainfather Users, Re. Underletting?

    Found them. The BM mesh is a pain to clean especially when the edge frays and stabs you in the finger! Ill definitely consider them. :thumb:
  9. Crystal_Ball

    FAO Grainfather Users, Re. Underletting?

    Id be interested to know more about those laser cut mesh filters. Where did you get them?
  10. Crystal_Ball

    Hello from N. Essex

    Welcome to the forum. I'm in west Essex.
  11. Crystal_Ball

    Split Wort Saison

    How much fruit did you use of each? What did you find the best conditioning time for these beers?
  12. Crystal_Ball

    Malt Miller Order

    It's based on weight. I have ordered a single light item from them and it was sent 1st class Royal Mail. Postage is calculated automatically.
  13. Crystal_Ball

    Adding honey

    I used just shy of 1kg of blossom honey recently. I put it in the FV with some of the wort after the boil had finished to dissolve it. Then chilled the rest of the wort and added that to the dissolved honey mixture. Taste wise there was a definite honey blossom flavour but it did disappear after...
  14. Crystal_Ball

    My Cornelius Keg adventure

    Brought myself some second hand taps to go with the collection of kegs a few days ago so got busy and installed them today. Got round to working out which pipe goes to which tap and gave them a little clean. The pipes need a proper clean with hot water and then some sanitizer. (Would ideally...
  15. Crystal_Ball

    My Cornelius Keg adventure

    I may well go for it if it's recommended. Plus I'll have you as a manual when I go to set it up!
  16. Crystal_Ball


    Sorry I have never brewed it. I was just helping point out where a recipe was.
  17. Crystal_Ball

    My Cornelius Keg adventure

    So im now up to 7 cornies!! I have brought some bar taps and fancy getting a gas management board. The link above doesn't come up with an image now. Don't suppose you can point me in the direction of the same or something similar?
  18. Crystal_Ball

    Brew con london - a home brewing conference and expo

    Seeing as it was the first time organising it I thought it was pretty good. Not sure what to expect but overall acceptable. They were never going to get everything right first time round. The reason they were late opening I heard was to do with problems with the bar if that's true I don't...
  19. Crystal_Ball

    Brew con london - a home brewing conference and expo

    Quite looking forward to this tomorrow. Looks like a comprehensive day.