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  1. rats_eyes

    how much yeast?

    The yeast pack doesn't mention rehydration at all, but fermentation temp should be 15-22c. I'll go for that range for rehydration
  2. rats_eyes

    how much yeast?

    I am planning my second and third AG brews, after doing a handful of kits over the last 9 months or so. This forum has provided a huge portion of the info that I've needed to get going! I've got some conflicting info about yeast quantity, I wonder if any of you have experience that might help me...
  3. rats_eyes

    What kit would you reccomend I brew for summer consumption

    The festival is fine brewed as instructed.
  4. rats_eyes

    What kit would you reccomend I brew for summer consumption

    A third vote for the festival IPA. It's the best kit brew that I've done by a long shot
  5. rats_eyes

    Yet another 'is it ready' question!

    the Festival kits seem to be slow fermenters. I did the IPA last year - it took around three weeks in primary fv, but was the best kit brew I've done. A great pint. I was expecting the long fermentation (thanks to this forum!), so added the hops much later than the instructions recommend. This...
  6. rats_eyes

    Which IPA next ?

    ICan't go wrong with the Festival Razorback, a lovely pint. I thought i'd ballsed mine up, it was amazing after 4 or 5 weeks in the bottle. The St Peters is grand too.
  7. rats_eyes

    First attempt at AG - La Chouffe Clone

    Beersmith seems to calculate this for you. I'm using it on the 21 day trial at the minute, thought I'd check it's numbers for my first AG last week. I don't know the program that well yet, but it seems to be able to cope with calculating a multi step mash. It's well worth a look. Paul
  8. rats_eyes

    How to fit a ball valve and hop stopper to a Buffalo boiler

    Thanks for this guide. I just put this together in my Apollo 40l, seems to have worked a treat. Filled it to around halfway with water to test it, no problems so far. Can't wait to get my next brew going!
  9. rats_eyes

    Apollo 40 l boiler

    Thanks for sharing your experience Ren. I've just ordered one, hopefully it'll work just as well for me!
  10. rats_eyes

    Apollo 40 l boiler

    looks great! If you don't mind, I have a few questions for you. Did you fit a hop filter - if so, was it easy? Is the temperature ocntrol any good?
  11. rats_eyes

    Apollo 40 l boiler

    Has anyone used one of these yet??? Seriously considering buying one, but I'm reluctant until I can find at least one review.
  12. rats_eyes

    How to make Belgian Candi Syrup

    I made my first batch of candi last night using this guide, would not have bothered without it, thanks a bunch! The hardest part was remembering to keep an eye on the thermometer while having a brew!
  13. rats_eyes

    Flat beer

    I thought I'd done the same to my abdij, the first one i had was flat as a pancake. The next one was much better a few weeks later. Letting it warm up a bit before drinking helped, but my bottle store might be a bit colder up here in Aberdeen, can be anywhere between 10c and -2.
  14. rats_eyes

    Ambiorix - low OG question

    Temperature of the beer was 25 c. I took the sample before pitching yeast, but only measured it just after yeast went in. Silly mistake! Had I realised before pitching, I would have felt a bit more confident adding more sugar. I did it anyway and it's bubbling away 24 hours later, so it seems...
  15. rats_eyes

    Brewferm Ambiorix

    Got this brew started last night, using 500g light candi sugar and 680g golden syrup. I got a dissapointing OG of 1.052, the kit predicts 1.060. I added a dose of dextrose in solution at the last minute just in case. I'll have b*ggered up my hydrometer readings now, but hopefully the brew'll...
  16. rats_eyes

    Ambiorix - low OG question

    I got a brewferm ambiorix kit brew started today. The instructions ask for 1075g sugar. I used 500g light candi sugar and 680g golden syrup, slightly over weight as I guess syrup has some water content. I was expecting an OG of 1.060, but have measured 1.052. I read the hydrometer just after...
  17. rats_eyes

    Coopers Original Stout Review

    I made this as my first brew back in September as it is a quick one. I used 1kg DME, it tastes great. I'm tempted to have another bash, but give it some real bite. Has anyone tried the recipes on the coopers site which mix it with a can of coopers dark ale and 1kg dextrose? Or adding a further...
  18. rats_eyes

    Brewferm, Abdij review

    I tried mine at 3 months old. I can tell that the flavours are there, but it NEEDS more time. I wasted that bottle by opening it so early!
  19. rats_eyes

    Re: Festival Razorback IPA Review

    I started this kit 14 days ago, it's still bubbling away, currently at 1009. Smells fantastic! Can't wait for this one! I'll be chucking this into a 2nd fv for a while once gravity's down a bit more, thanks for the heads up re: sediment!