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  1. Smod

    THBF NEW Glass Info!

    What else am I going to drink out of... :drink: One for me :cheers:
  2. Smod

    picking elderberries

    I've used and "Afro" comb or a wide pronged comb as you'll get more off in one stroke than a fork.... :shock: Hope that sounded ok :shock: :shock:
  3. Smod

    Why I fecking Hate Microsoft

  4. Smod

    Why I fecking Hate Microsoft

    Too right. I've run Linux Mint form the past 3+ years with VERY LITTLE PROBLEMS compared to MS XP and Vista. It's so easy to install and runs "straight out of the box" with Youtibe etc. I've installed previous Linux's but NEVER had one as good as this. Agree with the Open Office vs MS Office...
  5. Smod

    Blackhole brewery

    I tried one about 2 years ago. Can't remember the exact beer name but tasted very similar to the Twin Rhombus (Double Diamond from G.Wheelers Book) that myself and Wez brewed. I thought it was a nice pint. (And the Blackhole Brewery version) :lol: :lol:
  6. Smod

    Quick HLT heating and external wort boiling (Calandria?)

    Sounds good. I was thinking about something similar a while back. Heating the wort as it goes from mashtun to boiler via some kind of heat exchanger so the boiler reaches temp sooner. Same for cold water going into the HLT. It'd be the same as a domestic combi boiler. As you have the kit why...
  7. Smod

    What's in a name?

    Also, when I worked in the kitchens at a golf course restaurant the chef was an Iron Maiden fan. Whilst working there my nickname was Iron Maiden as Adrian Smith is the lead guitarist. :cheers:
  8. Smod

    Bottling tip

    DJ's empty super quick as you say. :thumb:
  9. Smod

    Bottling tip

    Even simpler....Just swirl the bottle or container whilst upside down to produce a whirlpool type effect. As the water escapes at the edges the air gets in up the middle. This will be faster than a straw which doesn't let so much air flow into the bottle. About 3-4 secs max for a 500ml bottle...
  10. Smod

    What's in a name?

    Mine comes from my last name SMITH As a young lad at the the age of 5 or 6 I was called SMITHY, then some bright spark said SMOTHY which gradually changed to SMODDY then shortened to SMOD. Stuck ever since. My real name's Adrian. I did get stick when Adrian Mole came out but unlike Moley I...
  11. Smod

    Alistair Darling - t**t

    And we'll end up in the hands of the IMF. Anything but the current Government. Vote for CHANGE. MMmmmm sounds like 1997 again!!! Whoever gets voted in we will see: A double dip recession Pound devalued vs $, possibly to $1.40-$1.20 range Petrol up as £ is devalued. More defaults on...
  12. Smod

    2010 THBF Pint Glass Slogan Competition!

    Just before the Budget... "No Tax on this Darling!" or like MC Hammers 'Can't touch this' "Can't Tax This!"
  13. Smod

    Wez's Avatar?????....Long lost sister has been found!!

    I posted this pic last year too. As soon as I saw it Wez came to mind!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Smod

    Brewday 20 Feb 2010 : Big Kenny

    I know you said that you wouldn't be brewing until Feb, glad it went ok aprt from the distractions. Hope to try some from the latest setup. :thumb: :thumb:
  15. Smod

    Free Duke Box

    If it's just streaming music then try Grooveshark ..... You can setup playlists and don't have to install any software so can be used through most browsers. :thumb:
  16. Smod

    "Cock Ale"

    Just got up have you !!! Too much Cock and Nuts last night !!! :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: Hope you're well. :thumb:
  17. Smod

    "Cock Ale"

    Went to Wez's today and TS was there. Both had a funny look on their faces. Wez said MUST try TS's Cock. A bit taken aback I was finally persuaded to give it a go. I must say, once you've tried Cock from TS you'll want more. :shock: :shock: Everyone else was mightily impressed with...
  18. Smod

    All I want for Christmas is.......

    Right Wez. I want my ThermoBox converted in exchange for a custom made SS False Bottom. Win...Win !!! :thumb: :thumb:
  19. Smod

    Proof ! Beer Contains Female Hormones

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. Smod

    AG#4 Czech this out

    Cheek !!! :lol: :lol: