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  1. M

    Hello,is it beer your looking for?

    Ha ha ha haaaa. Love the title
  2. M

    32L boiling pan

    Ohhhhh. I see :D
  3. M

    Forum T-Shirt.

    Yeh what happens about size? Do we get individual sizes? Coz I'm man size 3xl.
  4. M

    Forum T-Shirt.

    Just in terms of cost, I don't mind spending in the area of £10 for one of these if we want a more quality T and colour graphic
  5. M

    32L boiling pan

    How do you transport 10m of copper pipe? Lol
  6. M

    ITC-308 UK Giveaway

    Count me in please
  7. M

    32L boiling pan

    Would a 32L boiling pan fit in a Sink? Reason I ask is I'm wondering if it does I wont have to buy a wort chiller The boiler will have a tap on too
  8. M

    Forum T-Shirt.

    In terms of design you could have the sites emblem on the back of the shirt and then again on the chest just left or right of the centre with our own forum name???? That's my thought
  9. M

    Forum T-Shirt.

    Polo shirts would be good.
  10. M

    Forum T-Shirt.

    I think this is a great idea. Seen as we have a forum member doing the printing could we get our forum names on them too? Lol
  11. M

    After some seasoned advice

    A good rule of thumb is to place your beer somewhere warm for 2 weeks so it can carbonate. But considering your conditioning a bitter id say 7 days like your kit says.
  12. M

    At last....Game on!

    Ahh I see your using the Czech yeast. I'm looking forward to see how this turns outfit
  13. M

    Easy Keg 5L

    Yeh its the wrong style bung unfortunately
  14. M

    Easy Keg 5L

    What's it look like with the black tab pulled out?
  15. M

    Easy Keg 5L

    Please take a pic and upload so we can see what your looking at
  16. M

    mini keg starter kits

    That's just it mate. My beers always been drunk in a few days
  17. M

    how do i re use yeast

    Well iv just checked the gravity on this beer and its down to 1.024 so its deffo working. I did give it a little taste and I don't know weather this was because there were so much yeast in the sample but it had a strange creamy taste to it. This beer will be given the same treatment of upper the...
  18. M

    Hello from a sunny and blistering hot SA

    You lucky sod. Its freezing here in the UK. Welcome aboard
  19. M

    mini keg starter kits

    If your lucky you can drag a week out of it. If your talking carbonation that is. But in terms of quality of the beer and it not going stale you'll get a week no problem. I make only lagers and when I tap into a keg on Thursday it'll last till Sunday with nice carbonation. Now go buy some...