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  1. corby_brewer


    This is something that ive been reading up on over the last couple of days. Now ive read that there isnt any need to prime bottles or even add finnings as any beer / lager will clear and corbonate on it own given time. Also so ive read the only reason brewery carbonate there beer's is to get a...
  2. corby_brewer

    barrel or bucket?

    I agree with everything Sam says on this one. The only thing that i would recomend is getting a second FV to use as a secondry.
  3. corby_brewer

    Hello from Towcester

    Firstly welcome to THBF. Secondly, The brew club idea is something ive been thinking about for quite a while now, but unfortunatly, with the lack of home brew shops and active members from Northamptonshire its hard to judge if it going to be worth it or not.
  4. corby_brewer

    Hambleton Bard cylinder???

    i also have a HB cylinder (empty) but if its of any use to you mate you welcome to that as well.
  5. corby_brewer

    flat lager

    Did you force carbonate the cornie before you tried to serve it? or did you prime the keg? Also how long as it been in the cornie before you pulled a pint?
  6. corby_brewer

    Hambleton Bard cylinder???

    Sean. Norm does not stock any HB lids. But if you can wait a couple of weeks untill i get a replacement ill send you mine.
  7. corby_brewer

    Magnum Strawberry Cider kit

    No it wont mess it up, CT's are added to remove the clorine from tap water. The only thing that you will notice is a very slight metalic taste, simular to the taste you get from canned beer/cider or L***R. I only started to use them when i joined this forum. Now when i make a kit, i treat the...
  8. corby_brewer

    Magnum Strawberry Cider kit

    Yes its ok to use tap water. but If you can get some Camden tablets, then i would suggest treating your water with 1/2 a one first.
  9. corby_brewer

    OG too low ?

    If your serious about your brewing and will be make more brews in the future, then i would suggest geting something like this. ... 585&sr=1-3
  10. corby_brewer

    Harvesting yeast from Chimay

    Give it a go mate, you have nothing to lose. But if you pop into chat, Alemans there he will tell you if you can
  11. corby_brewer

    Harvesting yeast from Chimay

    im sure you can DJ. Also im sure ther is a post on here, or is it on Jims :wha:
  12. corby_brewer

    The Camel Toe Brewery - Ongoing - From the Start

    When i did the hot water test on mine 1 lost 4 degrees over 90 minutes, when i did my first brew it was 0.5 degrees. When i did my 3rd brew it gained 1oc over 90 minutes, but on that one i wraped a quilt cover around it.
  13. corby_brewer

    There's a hole in my bucket!!

    nice work there that man :thumb:
  14. corby_brewer

    The Camel Toe Brewery - Ongoing - From the Start

    dont worry about the drop just doing a hot water test. One you add the grain it will be much less. :thumb:
  15. corby_brewer

    OHHH ive been a BAAAAD boy dont tell the wife.......

    Nice one mate, but i think the wife will find out when you get home with a car full of HB stuff :rofl:
  16. corby_brewer

    PYO Fruit Farms

    We have one in Geddington, just about 4 or 5 miles from us. thimk ill pay them a visit
  17. corby_brewer

    Coopers European Lager

    I tend to keep my brews in the FV for around 10 days, then move them to a secondy for another 5. Then bottle of keg.
  18. corby_brewer

    Elderflower (lots of pics)

    Terry if you happy with the FG, then i would suggest racking adding a CT and some PS. Then let it clear.
  19. corby_brewer

    Brew Books - What's On Your Shelf??

    JUst got a copy of “Brew your own British Real Ale” Graham Wheeler.(3rd Edition),
  20. corby_brewer

    Coopers European Lager

    Forget about any airlock activity if you are using a bucket. Take a hydrometer reading