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    Researching home-brewers for TV documentary

    +1, I will be contacting them when I get home . . . but with a different hat on ;)
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    Did Thatcher ruin British Brewing?

    Still going on today, especially by the PubCos :hmm: :hmm: When working at MB I was present at one meeting where figures were presented showing that the interest rates on some of these barrelage loans was in excess of 5000% . . . No that was not a typo!! IIRC one case in question was a 500...
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    Did Thatcher ruin British Brewing?

    I was working for Matthew Brown at the time and we had to get rid of 2000 pubs in the north west of England. It actually didn't achieve anything like it was intended to, i.e increase beer variety, and in fact made it much easier for the breweries to shed the pubs to 'newly formed' pub companies...
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    Alemans Effin Erdinger Recipe

    That's a tricky one? The muntons wheat spray malt is 40:60 pale : wheat, so however much of that you need to hit 1.052-1.054 . . .keep everything else the same
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    Milton to steralise?

    may not be, it does depend on if the kit is made within a couple of hundred yards of a real hop, or they just use pre isomerised, chemically treated hop resin. if it's the latter then you can get away with it, but beer made with proper hops . . .that can be a serious issue.
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    Water or milk first

    Some debate on that, personally I find that either a french press or an espresso are both acceptable methods, I'm not particularly keen on perc'd coffee though. As far as instant is concerned . . . it makes F all difference to the most important thing, the taste, if the milk goes in first or...
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    Water or milk first

    +1 for JKP. I hate Starbucks and costa with a passion . . I'd much rather have my own coffee than anything from a 'chain'. I will either use a drench press, or my stove top espresso unit . As for instant . . . I drink water . . .although Carte Noire is quite palatable.
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    Milton to steralise?

    Then you would use half the amounts from the final column which is for a 1% free chlorine bleach
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    Milton to steralise?

    I've used the hypochlorous acid approach described on BBR, it works well, Chlorinated caustics (ie Bleach) are hampered in their effectiveness as the caustic prevents the formation of a decent level of hypochlorous acid (the disinfectant) . . .so you have to use a stronger concentration of it...
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    Benefits of using reverse osmosis water?

    It is also excellent for making beer kits, all the trace element will have come from the water used to mash the grain, as well as from the grain, as mentioned by Martin. Therefore for kits it is fine to use RO Water . . . For all grain I'm less convinced, as I brew with water that pretty much...
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    For Sale - Pair Of Corny Kegs

    No One, Sensible offers?? Will be going back on eBay otherwise
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    Mash pH question

    being blunt if you don't then there really is no point in using BrunWater. The Alkalinity will change with all the rain, but what that means is that it should drop, meaning that the mash pH should be lower, as you should have an alkalinity lower than the last time you brewed . . . If you are...
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    all my beers taste the same

    Consider getting other brewers to taste your beers. It's difficult to identify what is wrong without actually tasting it. The London Amateur Brewersmeet regularly, and they do tasting sessions of each others beers. There are some very well qualified beer judges as members, who should be able to...
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    Reporting a seller on Ebay

    I'm about to report a non paying bidder :twisted: :twisted:
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    Would some tubing help?

    I'm not sure it works on budget barrels, but for W&D Drum type taps, you can buy a plastic turkey baster in Wilkos for pennies, cut it to just over the length of you glass, and it push fits onto the tap with ease, and makes serving from the barrels with that type of tap a breeze
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    Alemans Effin Erdinger Recipe

    The bad mash took 24 hours to drain . . . and even then retained 20 odd litres of wort
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    Alemans Effin Erdinger Recipe

    Good Mash Bad Mash Funnily enough I had no issue when I was running the Herms . . . Just when I tried to sparge it . . .All the Glucans (It was an oatmeal stout) . . . just gummed up one of the tuns . . .both of which have a full diameter false bottom . . .And the bad mash had oat husks as...
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    Alemans Effin Erdinger Recipe

    I would go with 5-10% of the weight of the wheat in the grist so 2Kg of Wheat malt . . . 150-200g oat hulls
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    Filtered Beer

    There is no doubt that filtering a beer will remove bittering compounds . . . Will we notice it? No As long as we are not filtering with a 0.1 micron absolute filter then the 'damage' that is being dome is not huge. I have used a 1 micron nominal spun polyprop filter cartridge to filter my...